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  1. This morning I was challenging in my mind Stefan's definition of culture, which is to have a group of people that have the same definition of what is right and what is wrong. For example, in my culture, the waste majority of people agree that it is wrong for an adult to marry a 8 yo child, yet in Asia, in countries like India and many Muslims country, it is not considered wrong. I was trying to make a parallel between this definition of what culture is and the dichotomy between collectivist culture and individualistic culture. I came to the conclusion (and I know that many people will challenge this affirmation) that individualist culture do positive reinforcements and collectivist culture do negative reinforcements. Lets try a few examples. Where I live, it is good to like poutine, it is good to like traditional music, it is good to be frank and overly honest. But it is not necessary. No one is going to come and kick my ass and I wont be publicly ostracised if I dont like poutine. They wont force spoon it down my throat. Now, lets take a tribe in Africa. In this tribes, people do dances collectively. When it is the time to hunt, it is wrong if you do not join the group in the dance of ... the lion... or some shit like that. The group will be upset if you stay in your corner. They might wonder what is wrong for a while, but they will eventually give up and reject you from the group. When you are in Pakistan and you scream out loud ''this woman just burned a Qur'an''. People will lose their shit, beat the woman to death and burn her alive. If you do not join into the frenzy, you might be considered as an accomplice and burned to death as well. This is an other example where it is considered wrong, by the group, to not join in the collective activity. Notice that when you are in a collective culture, you do not get a reward for conforming to the collective. You only get punished when you dont join in. This is why it is negative reinforcement. In an individualist community, if I am open minded and welcoming to stranger, people will say ''wow, what a great guy''. I might get a few smiles and even a pat on the back if I'm lucky. But I will not get punished if I am not welcoming. Positive reinforcement. I often hear people coming from collectivist culture saying that my country doesn't have a culture. I believe that they say this because they have a difficulty understanding what an individualist culture is. And if Stefan is right, that people who have an IQ under 90 cannot function in a free society, this means that these people will never be able to function outside of a collective. Knowing this, does this help us deal with low IQ migration. I believe it does. We could create fake collectives inside of our borders in which the ''rights and wrongs'' do not infringe upon our liberties. This would provide the migrants with the group think they desperately need to function and ensure the liberties and freedom of the host population. I'm really interested in hearing you guys thoughts on the subject =)
  2. I was speaking with a friend when the topic of integration came up. He is ethnically German and told me about how his ancestors came over here in the mid 1800s. They were content to live in enclaves of German culture in and around the Pennsylvania region until about ww1/ww2 when the anti german sentiment prompted them to learn English in a hurry. Here's an article about a Wisconsin town if you're interested in the topic. There are more than a few parallels with the modern hispanic subculture. I think this totally refutes the melting pot concept, with an important distinction: you can't really tell if someone is of German or English ancestry in the US without breaking out the calipers, but you will always be able to tell if someone is hispanic on sight, even if they have perfectly integrated. As I see it, Germans were the best case scenario for the melting pot to work out and there are still places today in the US that have not fully integrated, and that was after two world wars with massive anti German propaganda campaigns. What are your thoughts on the future of Hispanic integration? I think its grim.
  3. I listened to the recent call "An Honest Conversation with a Middle Eastern Immigrant" and I was thinking about what he was saying about critical theory, and how the logic of that applies to these widespread sexual assaults. The amount of work the average Middle Eastern migrant young man would have to do in order to have even half the sexual market value of the average native born European man is essentially impossible and I'll try and make that case. Not only would they have to learn the new language and become proficient (requiring an intense dedication to integrate, a staggering amount of time, and a substantial amount of intelligence), not only would they have to unlearn everything they knew about their old cultures' model of sexuality and dating, not only would they have to learn everything they could about the Western worlds' model of sexuality and dating (which is difficult enough for native borns, let alone native borns which have been traumatized to the degree most of these migrants have, let alone native borns which have been traumatized to the degree most of these migrants have AND who have poor language proficiency or are outright illiterate), but they face all the psychological evolutionary pressures of spending all this time which cannot be spent reproducing. When evolutionary pressure was at its highest, humans were not living past their 20's. To fundamentally change or reverse ones reproductive strategy in their 20's means facing and overcoming the fear of not being able to reproduce (something which I've unfortunately experienced firsthand). The fear of not being able to reproduce is essentially the same as the fear of death. Asking or expecting statistically unintelligent people to subconsciously face death and a mind-bending amount of hard work for a potential payoff 10-15 years later is completely insane. And we have to include the fact that these people do not understand evolutionary psychology (or psychology in general) so they probably aren't even consciously aware of why integration would be so massively hard and in many cases impossible. And we have to include the fact that a significant portion of this 10-15 year process would have to be funded by the Europeans willingly, without massive protests and chaos erupting from peoples' resentment about having their wages sucked away from them for an essentially impossible project - Project Integration. This is assuming the economies/currencies don't collapse before that time. And we have to include the fact that even if they did master the language and learn how to mimic the courtship process, their beliefs about freedom, religion, and gender equality are going to be absolutely reprehensible to European women. And we have to include the fact that even after this 10-15 year process, they are still going to be at an massive SMV disadvantage compared to native born Europeans who instead of reworking their entire neural pathways have been building social skills, career skills, and wealth. Basically, in order for these migrants to obtain a reasonable sexual market value it would take them being geniuses (despite probably 20-25% of them being in the learning impaired range of IQ), having the courage of Socrates (despite severe anti-Socratic influence in their host societies for centuries), and having the dedication to make it all happen, knowing it could take 10+ years, all of which they could've spent reproducing by any means necessary (including rape). It's as close to an impossible task as I think you can get in terms of expectations for humans. I could go and on and on. Not a day goes by that this crisis of coercion does not cross my mind, concern, and frighten me - even though I don't live in Europe. It is in my extreme fortune that I live at least a couple of hours from anywhere in California which accepted these migrants and that the US so far has taken in a relatively small proportion of migrants compared to the population of the US as a whole. My heart goes out to everyone in Europe who has had this catastrophe forced onto them now and for generations to come.....
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