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Found 3 results

  1. A quick video of mine on living with integrity, estimating people, and words versus actions.
  2. There is a question I sometimes ask myself: am I growing? How do I know if I'm growing? What does growing look like? This video is me attempting to answer that question and coming up with some helpful principles in thinking about it. Here's the original script that I barely used: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zPJeUtWluIzVaHGrtGv5V4Ha5ZunHUcEk_WIbZAqP1U/ (might still be processing)
  3. Hello genius philosopher people! I need your help and guidance on a new project I'm undertaking. I'm setting up a website for the thousands of people who are newly being inducted into rational philosophy, psychology and voluntarism through resources like Freedomain Radio. It's going to be a blog, a podcast, a listener call-in, meetups in the UK, a monthly bookclub and in time also a forum. The focus is on living with integrity to our values and connecting both online and offline to build community between us everyday philosophers. First things first, the name. The one I'm liking the most at the moment is Ethical Canary, with the tagline "Virtue is the air we breathe". The name should hopefully capture our shared values of philosophy, self-knowledge and freedom but also focus on connecting as a community. What do you guys n gals think of it? Does it work? Can you think of anything else I can call it? One drawback of my idea is that it requires that everyone understands the metaphorical reference to a canary being used in a mine to test that the air is breathable. I'd love to gather your ideas and put together a poll to so we can vote for the best one. Thanks in advance for your ingenious input! I will no doubt be asking many questions like this in future so I can put the website together using the best suggestions we agree on.
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