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  1. Is Forgiveness possible without God? I argue, that it is not. At a metaphysical level, which is ironclad. As how can someone take back, that is to Fore-Give, given we are bound by time presumably, and God or the Gods are not. ....... In this context, forgive; is rather to change or bring to light ones values. ......... Instead of forgive all a person can do is pardon, make restitution(if possible) or correct their mistake(s). I pardon you. (couldn't resist). In short only God can forgive except he's outside of time, not subject to empricism. Therefore the use of forgive is incorrect/non-defined terminology. (though not necessarily, non-actual) "to err is human, to forgive divine." Was inspired by reading a blog posts and watching video by voxday, who said that forgiveness is impossible without God. Thought it was funny he refered to Jordan Peterson as a "Whack Job!" & non-Christian societies "Murderfests". Makes me think of the Fat Tony quote from The Simpsons. "It's funny cause it's true." Personally think it's a fairly important topic given current events and self knowledge, though maybe more interested in the entertainment value. "Are you not entertained???" How do you like your Truth? Raw. (as possible)
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