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  1. I have just watched the last video from the channel, american renaissance, and my jaw dropped when Jared talked about eugenic. He proposed that the government should be given the power to prevent undesirable members of society to procreate or to incentivize sterilization. I cannot think of a more horrible coercive power then to decide who breeds and who doesnt. And to give this power to the government is insane. The next time the democrats would get elected, they might decide to sterilize all the republicans, people could get sterilized for not being in the right social class, not have the right beliefs or not the right color of skin. I have always had respect for Jared Taylor until now. Now I realize that he doesnt believe in the libertarian principals of the funding fathers. He doesnt believe in basic freedoms, such as the freedom to procreate. He is clearly a statist and he advocates for changes done by force to obtain his white utopia. I'm sorry to see that he has lost his mind.
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