Hi everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to stop in read.
I am currently updating my resume and I have a huge gap in job history that I don't know how I could possibly answer to a potential employer. The gap is from late 2011 to currently. It's not that I haven't worked but, I've made many bad decisions over the last year in a half to either get fired from a workplace or to just not show up at work. The reason for that is I keep choosing places that for the most part are really bad work environments. One example is that I was a cook at a resort. While working there I would undergo constant verbal abuse from my manager. he would get in fits of rage and throw things across the kitchen.
I'll try not to go too much into detail but,one time in particular I went on break without first getting his approval, which I should of in that regard. He walked by me eating and looked at me and then the food and proceeded to splash his near boiling tea water all over my food and a little onto myself. He then began yelling at how he wished he and the rest of the cook's could eat and after his rant he then sent me home.
That was an extreme example of similar job experiences I've dealt with. So, I'm not sure what to do on my resume that would excuse this gap in my work history. Should I just go ahead and put it down anyways?