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Found 4 results

  1. About 2 years ago, the twelfth of October 2014, I published my first non-fiction book on self-knowledge and self-therapy through keeping a journal. The response was incredible. I could never have imagined that I could move people in the way the told me I had moved them. It has been a humbling experience, knowing that I had had such an impact on people. I was given help with editing by several people, and one of those people was Steven Franssen, a fellow author and an INCREDIBLE human being. You can find his work on his YouTube-channel https://www.youtube.com/user/RedRightHunterand on his website http://www.nurturingtruth.com/ Now, Steven has made and published my e-book, as an audiobook on audible, with him as the narrator! You can find the audiobook version @ http://adbl.co/2dx7fgi You can also find the e-book version on https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/484220(free) If you find it valuable, then you can buy it on http://amzn.to/2dvczltto support me in writing more If you feel you got value out of it, but cannot afford to buy it, you can also leave a review on smashwords, amazon and audible. Of course, you can do both aswell And! If you want to support me AND FDR at the same time, use an FDR affiliate link and search for my book (search for ''Dear Self Erik Lugnet'') The affiliate link... for Americans: http://www.fdrurl.com/Amazon for Canadians: http://www.fdrurl.com/AmazonCanada for the UK and europeans: http://www.fdrurl.com/AmazonUK Thank you for your time, and I wish you a wonderful day! Erik Lugnet
  2. Hello people, hope things are going well for you all! I have finally published my self-help book ''Dear Self'', and wanted to share it with you awesome people here in the community! The book is pretty short, it is an introduction to journaling and being curious and open with yourself. For now, I have it up for free over at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/484220 , so if you'd like to check it out! If you read it and enjoyed it/got something out of it, I would very much appriciate it if you would leave a review of it. Also, if you thought it was really worthwhile, you can hop over to http://www.amazon.com/Dear-Self-self-therapy-introspection-journaling-ebook/dp/B00OKM850G/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1413561283&sr=8-2&keywords=dear+self (or just search it on amazon), and buy a copy. I'd really appriciate it
  3. I've journaled a number of different ways but I kinda felt like making a quick app for it. Journal: https://github.com/tcrowe/journal Right now it includes only the most basic functionality of journal entries by month. In the future I want to support a few more features like theming and search. This is not a big, fancy, production piece so you'll probably be let down if you expect a lot. I am also seeking peer review and collaboration if anyone wants to jam on it. Requisite Skills ------------------- HTML CSS Bo-staff skills JavaScript Coffee Script It may interest you that there is a JSON data storage module behind this project. The journal was a way for me to do some practical testing on it. splash: https://github.com/tcrowe/splash If you want to talk about it please send me a message via this message board. If you want to post bugs please use the issues page on github.
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