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  1. As many of you are probably aware, Porter Robinson once released a dubstep track titled "The State", which featured lyrics directly quoted of Murray Rothbard's For a New Liberty. YouTube video: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=npfdrO1Dp6A The section that Porter quotes (from the audio book read by Jeff Riggenbach) mentions how taxation is mass robbery, how the state operates by coercion and violence with the direct threat of confiscation and imprisonment, and a bit more. A few days ago, Excision and Pegboard Nerds posted a song titled "Bring the Madness". The lyrics and song are posted below, but they seem to make references to the NSA and police state ("cameras that capture your image at City Hall, realize they listen whenever you make a call"), the illusion of political freedom ("Strength is the army that bands against bands of dead presidents determining life of man"), the scam of fiat currency ("greed got us bleeding in streets for cheap paper"), and others. What also struck out was the line "take back the Atlas", which, while it seems a bit out of context, has a double meaning either of the world and the Greek god or of the world and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Considering I'm still in the middle of reading it, I am not sure, but it was the first part, besides "government racket", that led me to see libertarian themes. Thoughts? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8dZDdW7v4Q8 https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Excision-Pegboard-Nerds-feat-Mayor-Apeshit/Bring-the-Madness
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