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I've been thinking about this for a while, I'd like to hear your input. If a man doesn't want children (or the financial responsibility of one) he has two choices; 1. Abstain. And if that fails: 2. Pre-intercourse protection such as a condom. If the condom breaks, he is at the mercy of the woman he slept with. A woman, on the other hand, has five. She can: 1. Abstain. And if that fails: 2. Use pre-intercourse protection such as condoms, hormone spiral, or birth control pills. If any of these methods fails for whatever reason: 3. Post-intercourse protection, like the morning after pill. If that also fails: 4. Abortion. And if she doesn't go through with one: 5. Put the baby up for adoption. As demonstrated, women have more "lifelines" in this scenario than men do. They have more than double the reproductive power and the possibilities of planned Parenthood. My argument is that the woman therefore holds most of the responsibility of any child's existence. If a two strangers, a man and a woman has sex together and the condom breaks (resulting in childbirth), it is mostly due to the decisions (or lack of decisions) of the woman that is the cause for the fact that the child does not have a father. She could've prevented if after the incident occurred but she didn't. The man couldn't so naturally he didn't. My argument is not that men are all free from responsibility, but that women by nature are more responsible (in most cases) for a child's birth. There are obviously exceptions to everything, such as if the woman was held captive and raped by a man. I'd like to hear your input. Are both parties really equal in the creation of a child?
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hey thinkers, i'm confused regarding this. please help me out. Stefan mentions quite often that 80 to 90 percent of household spending is done by women. He uses this stat to point towards female power/authority. Or at least, as a counter-argument to the patriarchy. i've seen this, but am still confused as to what exactly it means. If my wife buys me pants this counts in that figure, no? Like...if women buy the laundry machine, and the groceries...this counts towards the figure. So i'm not exactly sure what this says about women "controlling" the purse. Doesn't this stat just prove that women do more shopping for the household? Or am i missing something. thanks
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PSA For All 3rd Wave Feminist Women
IsaacGage860 posted a topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
Hey ladies, you know what would make 3rd Wave Feminism useful? Maybe you could actually try focusing on the genuine rape culture coming out of Sub Sharan African and the Middle East. If I recall correctly, when 60 Minutes correspondent Laura Logan got sent to Egypt to cover the Arab Spring, she was gang raped by a horde of Muslims practicing Sharia. It would seem that perhaps there are bigger fish for feminism to fry elsewhere in the world at the moment. I don't know, genital mutilation and women being treated as second class citizens may be bigger existential threats to women's rights and NOT the West where women are pampered and comfortable beyond belief. Comfortable enough to sit in the cozy, air conditioned offices that MEN built so that you can take a slow steaming dump all over men as a whole. Now you don't have to listen to my advice but I would highly recommend it, that is of course if you bitches even care about women's rights at all. If not, by all means continue complaining about the "rape" culture in the U.S. and teaching Western men not to rape as if we need any kind of formal instruction. Maybe it's also time to start showing a smidgen of gratitude. Last I checked it was WESTERN men that fought along side women for their Suffrage. Western men are also responsible for the scientific method, freedom of association, Capitalism, the Protestant work ethic, freedom of religion which is pretty major, freedom of speech, and all the other wonderful rights and freedoms that so many take for granted today. If there are not men to guard the gates, you may find that Muslim invaders who are not particularly sympathetic to Western values, especially women's rights, will be flooding into your countries. And of course you are most likely going to go running to Western men to make the scary men go away. In order for that to happen, you damn well better start being grateful for all that men sacrifice and do. Or better yet we could avoid the situation all together and once again regain control of the borders of our countries. The simple reality is that you cannot have a Welfare state and unfettered immigration from the 3rd World at the same time without assimilation. The sub 70 IQ populations will simply inundate the social safety net of the countries they migrate to in the pursuit of "free" stuff. The men, who are the ones that bear most of the burden of taxes are going to be the ones paying for these free loaders and are going to have to forgo their retirements and benefits that they have been working their whole lives building up in order to appease your moral conscious for all of five seconds. Doesn't sound like a fair tradeoff for the men who give up quite a bit in order to have a family wouldn't you say? After all its women who control access to the precious scarce eggs, male sperm is much more numerous and therefore expendable. This is part of the reason why men are registered for the Draft and why women are not required by law to do so. I would love to see you try and whinge about the horribly oppressive patriarchy to Jihadists. Let me know how that works out for you. So TL;DR PSA to all 3rd feminist women: If you tell men that they are nothing more than patriarchal rapists and treat them like punching bags for your bitchy rants, the genuine rapists and patriarchs will show up and have their way with you. I don't think you want this to happen, so I believe an apology is in order. I and most other man eagerly await your sincerest apologies for treating us like shit and your promise to improve your behavior in the future. Sincerely, Cis-Gendered, Privileged Patriarchs At Large- 1 reply
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Narration by Milo Yiannopoulos. Original audio - This video is completely viewer supported. Please consider becoming a patron of our work:
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I notice a lot of topics about men's rights and gender issues getting scattered over the "General Message" section as well as a few others, and I'm wondering if FDR might benefit from a "Men's Rights/Gender Issues" topic like Stef has on his YouTube Channel. I don't know a lot about the volume of posts on this topic so I don't know if it justifies it's own section, it just seems inefficient to have it scattered across the forum when it's becoming a bigger and bigger issues in the community; Especially with the waves caused by Estrogen Based Parasites, and Stef's attendance of the (please donate!!) men's rights conference in Detroit.
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So, it's been about a year(?) since I've really started learning about the double-standards and lies within feminism, and listening to the other side of the story through Youtube videos and this forum. And even though a lot of the initial emotions have subsided, I still sometimes wonder if there was even one thing that was true in what I was taught and believed about feminism and gender equality over a year ago. The thought of being lied to and manipulated about how "victimized" women are makes me feel angry, and sometimes kind of like a piece of shit. Hearing the facts and opinions about women in a negative light in these forums makes me feel ashamed sometimes to be associated with women, especially because I realize how true most (or all) of it is. I don't think that this is an overall healthy feeling, since I personally have done, and am doing, as much as I can to defy such negative associations around women. A part of me might have once hoped there was some truth to feminism that I could cling to, but not anymore. But reflecting on this, I guess I wonder what everyone here thinks about the real nature of gender equality, as it pertains to women. For example, many people think that women are equal (if not privileged) today, but were not so in the past. Others, like girlwriteswhat, believe that women have NEVER been disadvantaged. What do you think, and could you give specific examples, if possible?
While I want you guys to enjoy and discuss this video what I really want is for Stefan to do another video where he dissects a TYT host. Why this one in particular? Well because this will probably make the TYT viewership and TYT themselves the angriest and thus make the most noise to our benefit: "Stefan Molyneux the Anarchist Libtard Strikes Again in Support of Men's Rights!" It's this very form of enraged word-of-mouthery that brought Karen onto TYT in the first place no? I say why not? It's only going to take, what, an hour to respond to Cenk and without any prep? Better yet try and analyze his behavior given that he LOSES IT on her. There is more to say about Cenk's reactions than his arguments. As an aside, I reveled in the schadenfreude of seeing a man I used to admire being struck down by the very thing that had me leave TYT and progressivism altogether: men's rights. I even sent him an email long ago explaining that he should watch a few of Karen's videos. Today was just a super-duper day. Enjoy:
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I'd like to initiate a dialog regarding the need for male oral birth control. As it stands, with all the technology we possess as humans, men only have three forms of birth control, and only one of them is 100% effective assuming no sperm jacking. 1. We can abstain from vaginal sex (or all sex). 2. We can undergo the invasive and often irreversible procedure of a vasectomy. 3. We can rely on condoms that sometimes "climb", slide off, break or leak, even if utilized properly. Proper sizing can be a really tricky issue. What men desperately need is a temporary oral contraceptive, so we can be sure that we are starting a family when we want to start a family. Take this recent story on Reddit that illustrates why men, single and married, both need an effective oral form of birth control. What are your thoughts on this topic? I would like to hear them, pro or con. Thank you! ETU
I saw this article that someone posted on my facebook feed: In part I'm glad it was shown, especially on buzzfeed which is very feminist. Some thoughts that I had while reading: -how sad and angry I am for what the participants went through, in both the experience itself, and the way that it was received by others -I noticed that many of the people in the article were transgendered - and does that make a difference? It sounds like many of the transgendered people were women when they had their experience, which makes me feel like the article was still implying that rape is more of a female-oriented issue in general. But that may not be accurate, since I don't know if they include female transgendered individuals in similar articles about women, who were raped when they were still physically men. Either way, I think I would call it a good thing that this article attempts to show that men are also victims of rape, and that they require empathy too. I'd be interested in hearing thoughts.
I suggest you interview Dr Tara J. Palmatier of The subtitle to the heading on her site is: "for men who are recovering from relationships with abusive women and the non-abusive family and friends who love them" Its nice to hear women that aren't man-haters discuss these issues.
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The article and the video published on August 4th 2014 includes among others Karen Straughan, Janet Bloomfield and Paul Elam. The title is "THE WOMEN OF THE MEN'S RIGHTS MOVEMENT". Link to the article. Here is a short YouTube Short Trailer. There is an additional 15 minute video on the article website. -- I just realised Carl Bartelt already opened a thread on this topic: --
I was thinking to myself today about the issues of domestic violence, and how most studies I've read show the perpetrators are men and women pretty equally, maybe with more men perhaps chalked up to the problems of male victims being shamed. I had a thought that seemed interesting and I hoped I could get some feedback. From the statistics I have found in my (admittedly sparse) research, it seems the incidence of child abuse is split down the middle the same way; half boys and half girls. Of course if you come from an abusive household you are far more likely to perpetrate some sort of abuse. It seems somehow feminists think that when girls are abused they come through it stronger and wiser yet boys degrade into these wife beating monsters. How could domestic violence not mirror child abuse in terms of gender? It just seems logical to me, maybe I missed something.
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I thought I would share a few YouTubers that I have found interesting to watch. They largely speak on men's rights and gender issues although some of them delve into other topics too. I know there are many others, some more popular, but I still wanted to share especially those that have good content yet relatively few subscribers. bane666au - Sargon of Akkad - 6oodfella - Victor Zen - johntheother - M - Sandman - Josh O'Brien - MrSonicAdvance - PsychologicalCynic - The following two have had conversations with Stef in the past. Paul Elam - Karen Straughan - I'd be interested in hearing from other FDR subscribers about other channels that they follow.
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This is a debate between Professor Plum of Manhood Academy and MGTOW advocate Psychological Cynic. Towards the second half PC brings up anarchy and fumbles all the arguments, allowing the Professor to walk all over him using arguments that have been refuted a million times (how will roads work without government?, anarchy is utopia, etc). I felt embarrassed listening to this because even a highly intelligent person like the professor can make anarchy appear foolish in minutes. Anarchy is the correct position so I suggest there is something wrong with the general presentation of it.
Stefan is set to be a speaker at the Men's rights conference in Detroit on the 26th-28th June, however the event organizer Paul Elam has recieved notice from the venue that they've received death threats against the staff and event attendees, they're asking for 24/7 coverage of a minimum of 7 guards and an insurance policy to cover against potential damages. You can find the story here: Obviously this is a heinous attempt to silence free speech and threatens a great talk by speakers such as Stefan, I thought it would be in the best interest to reach out to his fans as early as possible to help spread the news, there will likely be a donation drive to help cover the additional security costs in order to keep the conference on, that will appear on the website in the next few days, please consider donating, thank you.
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I enjoy that Stefan is focusing on men's rights; it is a topic that I have been passionate about for a long time. A decade or so ago, I found this book: It is a bit dated and occasionally the tone is quite confrontational, but I highly recommend reading it. It contains hundreds of examples of "pheminism," or female sexism. Jack Kammer, the author, was inspired to write it after seeing this (just imagine if it was about black people or any other group!): The Rules a fax dated April 14, 1997 and posted on a woman’s office wall in Washington DC • The female always makes The Rules. • The Rules are subject to change at any time without prior notification. • No male can possibly know all The Rules. • If the female suspects the male knows all The Rules, she must immediately change some or all of The Rules. • The female is NEVER wrong. • If the female is wrong, it is due to a misunderstanding which was a direct result of something the male did or said wrong. • The male must apologize immediately for causing said misunderstanding. • The female may change her mind at any time. • The male must never change his mind without the express written consent of the female. • The female has every right to be angry or upset at any time. • The male must remain calm at all times unless the female wants him to be angry and/or upset. • The female must under no circumstances let the male know whether or not she wants him to be angry and/or upset. • The male is expected to mind read at all times. • The female is ready when she is ready. • The male must be ready at all times. • Any attempt to document The Rules could result in bodily harm. • The male who doesn’t abide by The Rules lacks backbone and is a wimp.
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