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Found 8 results

  1. Are you thinking about trying therapy, but aren't sure or don't believe you can afford it. Well, you can! In this video, I talk about how you can find a therapist to work with in long-term, regular psychotherapy, even if you can afford to pay very little or even nothing at all! Check it out and please share! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgjhsMOoFYE Also, check out my website and blog!
  2. Are you considering, or have you started seeing a therapist? If so, you may be wondering whether or not you need to be diagnosed and how a diagnosis may impact your ability to get good therapy. In this video, I share some of my thoughts on the role of diagnosis in psychotherapy.
  3. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/09/the-coddling-of-the-american-mind/399356/ An excellent read, albeit lengthy. A few excerpts follow:
  4. I am celebrating one year of sobriety, and have put together an audio journal about addiction. This is the most difficult presentation I have put together so far. I had to carefully explore my parental inner-voices. It is a reconstruction of three different sessions recorded over the past week. I could not have explored this topic so closely without first deFOOing from my toxic family. Toward the end, I reflect on a strategy for changing the Twelve Step Program to remove god and the abdication of the self from the equation, which makes it a more humanizing process. Thank you for listening, and I appreciate the input as always! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptkhFWbmUI4 I want to recommend any of Nathaniel Brandon's works on self-esteem and Jay Earley's IFS books, as these are the primary resources that I use for self-exploration and therapy. Shout out to Elliot Hulse of Strength Camp for providing a physical manifestation of self-esteem that I can model, and Stefan Molyneux and the Philosophy Crew at Free Domain Radio for being major influences on me recognizing and acknowledging my destructive addiction. This has been a collaborative effort to be certain.
  5. An interview about the mental health field and healing with a friend of mine, Daniel Mackler: http://madinamericainternationalfilmfestival.com/much-prefer-idea-humans-just-helping-humans-interview-daniel-mackler-open-dialogue-healing-homes/
  6. Can anyone help me narrow down or find a really good video that goes indepth into the effects of war on soldiers, the breaking down of children for future recruitment, ptsd, violence, etc. Things of this nature? I know i've heard it before from Stefan, I just cant find what I'm looking for. Any assistance would be appreciated! P.S. - Im not talking about the 2 newest ones, the "No Thanks For Your Service" and the "Truth Behind Fort Hood". Thanks again!
  7. Part one: are popular methods like various exposure and cognitive techniques, "just do it," "use your willpower," "ignore your fear," etc. sufficient when dealing with difficult problems?Part two: a more in-depth look at the incredible value of deep self-work and the enormous complexity of human problems.
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