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  1. I have always been fascinated by stories and storytelling. I have devoured more movies, games, comics, tv shows than I care to count however I didn't really have any empirical proof of the value of such things aside from entertainment. Though I have my own theories/beliefs on the values of stories I always remained skeptical of the veracity of my theories/beliefs and shrugged of repeating patterns as coincidence. Stefan was the first person that expressed a similar view on these works of art. I remember a podcast when he was arguing against the criticism of him reading bible stories to his child, the gist of his response being something like "these stories withstood the test of time so of course they hold value". This is very similar to what Jordan Peterson says in his lectures whether on the bible stories or Pinocchio. Now knowing what I know I'm a firm believer in the value and importance of such stories. Watching his "Stranger Things" review I'm really curious of his take on several other pieces of storytelling that I hold dear. I'm writing this to show my support of such content and I hope there are a lot of people out there who feel the same because I want more. MORE.
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