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  1. It is ubiquitous for unemployment people to state that "I can't find a job". The thesis of this post is to show that there is only 1 reason why that could be so, and, that it is always the same reason. First, I need to nut out what is actually meant when a person says such a thing. 1. Finding a job is easy, the trouble is my applications are always rejected. 2. I have applied for many jobs, and have been rejected every time. 3. I have made seroius attempts to get the jobs I have applied for. 4. The jobs I have applied for are jobs that I can do (I am not a lawyer, so I don't apply for jobs as such) 5. I want to work, ever if it is for a low wage. While these 5 statements are implied by someone who says "I can't find a job", I acknowledge that many who make the statement, are being dishonest in their implications. The following analysis only applies to those are being truthful in the full implications of their statement. "I want to work.", means nothing more than "I want to sell my labor to an employer. ". It is analogous to wanting to sell a car. If a car has been on the market for a long time, and has not sold, it is because the seller is asking for more than the market price of the car. Cars, and labor, will always sell at the market price, given a reasonably amount of time on the market. Since the person in question wants to sell their labor, they would naturally decrease the price of their labor, until it reaches it's market value and sells, just like when selling a car. Since the person's labor has not sold, something has prevented it's price from reducing to it's market value. That thing is the minimum wage. It is literally illegal for the person in question, to sell their labor (and for an employer to purchase it) at it's market value. That is why they "can't find a job". My sympathies go out to all who are prevented from working by the state.
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