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  1. I hope I've not broken any rules by posting this here, I didn't see any rules against this. I'm in the process of making a browser-based mmorpg game made with websockets and HTML5/javascript. I'm at the point of needing the GUI started. It will be pure javascript/HTML in order to appeal to a wider audience. (using the same technology as mozilla's Brwoser Quest: http://browserquest.mozilla.org ) Graphic design would be awesome as well (not required). The game has a few unique features where players get to play in an ancap-style sandbox kind of world. I am unable to financially compensate you for this. The only benefit in it for you is the enjoyment of working on a project with like-minded individuals, and if the project ends up actually getting finished- I'm happy to split the profits (we can work this out if you're down on doing the project).The current team consists of myself (python programmer working on the server mainly), and my friend who is working on balances, play-testing, and will deal with the legal stuff down the road (incorporating and other annoying statist business crap). I spend less than 5hrs a week on this, so it's not a high-pressure project. Please message me if you're at all interrested, if you have any ideas, or suggestions on where to find someone who might fit the above description.
  2. I'm curious if anybody here has heard of or plays Ingress? Ingress is a mobile online game currently for Android phones (I think there's an iPhone version coming soon) where it integrates the real world (via Google Maps) into an online game. You are an agent fighting for either the Resistance or Enlightened factions. Real world objects such as stone monuments or landmarks act as "portals" that your faction must claim and protect (sort of like a Capture the Flag/King of the Hill sort of game) and you can combat or team up with other agents to attack or protect your portals. It's an interesting concept that augments reality into a game. What I like about it is, it encourages you to go out and explore the real world to claim your portals. Here's the wikia on it: http://ingress.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
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