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  1. I will see if I can find a link to a News article from some where. California has decided to Openly Violate the Constitution of the Republic and fuck up the activities of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officer that making raids againsnt illegals and members of organized Crime there, the protest movement agaisnt enforcemnt of nations Laws (and of Naturla Law) has beceom so grea tthat at the State Level has coem to decision tha they will no longe rcollabroat w and will sek to use the pwoers vested in them A very one -directional and Objectively pathological 'altruism'...... They are only interested in preserving their "right" top be here without papers...They are mentally deficient in that they see tha beleive tha plasure that invaders have in being able to ensure their share of benefits that they did not produce is a n indicator that they have doen a virtuoius dead... But pleasure is not the measure of . It is for short-brained people like who believe that is measured by how much "good" .. Since when is bodernline libtard-egalitarian a sn obejctive standard for Actual good? Then answer: It is not a measuere !pleasure is . They cannot percieve it because their way of thinking came about .... the basic deifneition of a neurological disorder.... Their altruism can is in actuallity a form of Hedonism, subtle enough for them to never be able to realize it because of their primitive and base of thiniking Bring Roman Catholic (fucking voodoo post 1965 Catholicism) religious arguements into the debate about religiion is the most evil and singenious part of b . Of the diaspora, with no , being very Shite Catholics (on the level of vooboo savages praying to cards and statues like their Indio ancestr"os did while living whorish. and otherwise adharmic lives... religion has unfortunatle been a cruthc that allows all sort of thigns without consiously knowing) . I t is not merely a politcal defect but a patholgy iwhtin the human species, where emapthy is used to distort. Geyt away tiwth sabotaging the ICE raids that are disrupt for the sake of these people....they can protest civilily... That "governments are evulz" .. It is ALWAYS worse to have liberals in charge of them becaue they will agiasnt natural Law and of.. they are the counter-tradition's in politics. Ther is no inhernt morals in lbierals,.... The 19060s or 70s... A could be a liberla for saying that have the right to have sexual intercourse in fornt of children and the radicals would be arms ... No kmoral only hedonism doesn, beut becaue of how have ebeen allowed .... Restricting "freedoms" is necessary in rodr to have any order otherwsie ..... Humans are NOT good and is an TRULY Ordered Liberty according to the Principles of Natural Law. That part of reason ( I think?...aprt from some currents isnpired by casuisty or by m-influenced individuals that weaseled their way, and who inject their ideas into Libertarianism by way of casuistry) arose in the first place... Later generations forced to pay for the lives of domestic enemies (criminals and those genetically inclined to criminality) and tow in order preserve their in spit eof that It is *this* tha tmakes governments and the legalsim of them a danger to those Souled Beings among us, becau eht eare not coming from Fully Brained beings, but from Egoists and Hominids who dictate law according to their whims... *this* is the fundemntal flaw of Government ... it is based not on natural law, but on Legalized Whim..of politcal science, which has not been fixed because lack the Perception to do so... all they can do is replciate what they have been ahnded down and .. they lack a cociouness their Trash pedo(or rather to not insult any True Catholics here, Psuedo-Catholic) .. Liberals, beleiveing in freedom, are actually way more left on the , they don't beleive . they jsut beleive, (and erroneously so) that freedom for it's own sake is ..... much like liberals do.... Is not the only thign in the mworld..... Ther ealso cirmianls form other.. their actions win impedieng ICEs ... The tiem that agents have to trying to get liberals to leave them alone is also time that orgnaized criminals and potential terrorists have to hide.... Thus, in addtion impeding the preversion State authority to liberlasim puts milliosn of people's lives in danger t for NonCatholic countries that willb e free to their activites if Europe will probably revolt against it much more quickly and force-fully than the united States, and then . Soem form of politcal eurabianism may exist,s becasue of the need for and the eArch-Atlanticst goal of kicking Russia out of the middle East.. They will probably also prefere a modfied eurabian format becaue of theri annoyance at the influence ykws and a conciousness among arabs that (hmhmm..... hmmm..... mmumph.....) for some shared activity... free flow of energy resources, that won't be put at risk because of ( hmm,.....mmmh.. mumph) I gues my question for the whether it is possible for Liberty-minded people to legally Stop Local governments and the liberals runnign them form following through with their ILLEGAL and Uncocnsittuaitonl actions before the damage and thwart actions against criminal in the name of Radicla Catholic and Secular Egaltiarians, .. I think improtant pre-requisite is to start pblcially callign them out for Blatalty unconstituional Actions... however, the omnly way to stop them form doing anyhtign that Agian MSU Tbe trhoguh legal action them out is probably a Whehter any kind of legal action (Civil Suits ) can be taken agianst and cities in order to stop them from gettign away thwarting Presidne't agaisnt Ilelgals and organized cirrminals for the sake of of Extremist Open borders catholci Egalitiarianism? abotu legal systems, and how to awaken peopel to the that laws mean literally nothing, and that a higher State of Awarenss is necessary to act agisnt thos who can act in Adharmic ways Freely becau they Realize (like Law is an imaignary... The is to make REalize that thtis fact as well, if one doesn't, than they will be at the mercy of those who don't care about such thigns and be exposed to harm , not jsust by liberals, but by those shitsouls and evildoers that are enabled by them, and by Uncheck forces of this at -larg .. That yu have realized this for htanky to the work of others.... Is to eveutnally let them suffer of being stupid and harmed by the of liberals STATES RIGHTS/Pricniple of Subsidiarity WILL NEVER WORK PROPERLY AS AS LONG LIBTARD ARE ALIVE TO USE THE PRICNIPLE ACCORDING TO THEIR WHIMs Last Consituitonal defense against the potential abuse coming from a Tyrannical Executive has been fianlly perverted and misued by Lbierals in order full sped ahead with their agenda of opening country to crimianls Proved Root of probelm is with Liberals having access to the state apparatus at all. Agaisnt freedom is compounded with actign in idioplgoically saddening The erosion of morals is not solely the responsibiltiy of liberals but ther very ideology prevents form fixing msitakes.. Will come to be known : "Power corrupts, but Liberalism in Power corrupts absolutely" (Maybe this shoudl be memefied... it would help awakened.. it woudl also be healthier than those based on The mistake they have made in Outwardly ilelgal accoding to consitition. This is the "point" wheer, iw swhere they must be caught the F*** out and legally before they are to casuemroe harm or give cimiansl and mroe time to .... Meet honest halfway....... Liberal Politicans do not have to be part of the IRL P2P outreach at all... If it isdoen coectly ther no problem to Good people who seekt o Lawfully becoem, but have jeopardize such chance their reckless illegal presence here In the end though, Law (Natural Law) has to prevail,... must be mewith protest by Liberty-minded Citizens of this contry and by solid legal action aagainst state government officials that act like these have... It htink wil eveutnally resolve much more forcefully, but thir great actors TO a point wherne usche Will try to when I can get some tiem off.... other wise ... please share thoughts (or make your own thread about it, may be more legible than this one at any rate... and won't slow your computer donwn to bloody paint like it has mine) Thank you.
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