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Found 3 results

  1. In this officially first (and hopefully not last) Self-Archeology vidcast I share my thoughts on the concepts of death, existence, and mortality.
  2. A new video where I talk about a segment from a TV show “True Detective,” about the purpose of religion, and about it's relation to insecurity and fear of mortality. http://dai.ly/x1d0iu7
  3. Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have a chronic condition that will change your life from diagnosis going forth? it may affect your mobility, cognition, sight, etc, or other quality of your health and life negatively? Were you given a shorter life expectancy and/or increased physical burdens that made you consider how long you have? So much to do, never enough time. What about your kids? personal goals? Shoot me a message privately if you want a more intimate conversation about the topic. Many those who have had a loss need to know they are not alone. I would like to point out that personal loss of health, mentally and physically comes with age as our bodies wear out, are exposed to illnesses, injury etc., it is natural and it sucks to go through but so goes the arrow of life to death. As I remember, Stefan called it "the best cancer ever". Wow Stef, was he just trying to put a smiley on his face?! No, I know now that he felt it. It is that realism, that meaning to the meaningless, vivid-life, lucid dream one is in wear their life rushes through them and they feel a need for expression and a fulfillment of certain life goals, a need to self-improve. You take that look over your shoulder to scan the whole Maslow pyramid. Safety and security meme's for your family and wishes, memes to achieve self-actualization, and even if at all. Let me know what ya think.
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