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  1. My life is a mess. I’ve been cleaning for three years. I have one problem that I want to bring up. I’m 21 years old I go to a community college. My family structure my whole life has been a mess. I live with my mother and father but I rarely talk to them. When I get home I isolate myself, all I do is study or read. I even eat in my room. I once read that when a mother indirectly shows a child that he or she isn’t important. The child picks it up and usually ends up isolating themselves. When the child isolates itself he or she is saying let me live please. This makes sense because my mother always put stranger’s needs before mine since I was 4 years old. To a discussing level. When I read that on Healing the Shame that Binds You, I broke down crying. So, since I’m 21 I wanted advice on moving out. How do people maintain jobs and an education? I currently have a 3.8 gpa in school, I pretty much study all day. My major is computer science. I can’t imagine myself working and going to school. I had a part time job before right after high school for a little less than a year. I worked at an electronics store. Technically I could drop out of school and work two minimum wage jobs and rent an apartment. I don’t understand how people do it? How do people like Stef move out so young and thrive? I struggle and work hard every day. I ride my bike 20 miles to school. My parents don’t really help me much besides food and shelter. I’m trapped in a jail sail, please help.
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