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  1. Well thats nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=derHRFGZ4NU
  2. Hi, i have this issue: My brother, is a little racist about minorities (inmigrants, black people, jews, homosexuals, poor people), he says he it isnt, because he doesnt goes arround banging minorities, that to be a racist one haves to apply violence, his choice is just dont mixing with "these" people that he views as the cancer of society. He denies holocaust, blames illegal inmigrants about jobs, talks about a zionist cospiracies, and thinks that white people is in reality discriminated/segregated, because it doesnt have the possibilities to fight about their own cause or self pride like the self right minorities have, because it is seen as plain racism. Socio economic background: We live and are from south america, Argentina, yes there is a moral decay everywhere, but it is caused by state corruption, instead of marginalized people by society. We belong to white lower medium class/ working class. Our ancestors came here from Italy a long time ago, like new inmigrants are now coming from near countries. For me nationalism, is plainly stupid, in the end, people from near countries, have native descendency from this continent, we are just masses of trash expelled by europe, that came used to motivate the systematic robbery of local natives from power elites. He is just a teeneger, doesnt works, and is in the last years of what there is called high school, is true that we had hard times of fammiliar violence in childhood, but to me is not sane projecting emotional load as hate on minorities. Instead of studying, or trying, to improve new skills/knowledge , he is just compulsively centered on absorving racist biased information. My main problem, is this the more i read, the more desbelief i am, and try to no absorve information/knowledge as packets be it movies, books (philosophy, sciene, politics), internet, etc. I have the impression that all this mass information material that i like/absorve, is just lazy indoctrination, motivated for a need to fill a emotinal craving of knowledge, that in reality has to be formulated within ones rationality, not preaching someone elses truths. To me is hypotrical , to try to contrarest what i think his false arguments are (i have an emotional attachment to think that he has an emotional bias about minorities), without before indoctrinating my own self in contra argumentative authors contrarian to what he is preaching, From one points, he blames chavism, cuban communism, Che Guevara, like mercenaries but in the other end he idealizes nazism (this can be explained because my mother is a lot hippy, lefty, and perhaps he subconsciously blames she for years of misery, passive aggresive violency during childhood). He also hates psychologists. Or blames jews about palestine killing, and denies holocaust. What can i do about this situation? is bad to take his crystal castle ideolegy where he inside plays a chess made from pieces of stereotypes/and prejudices and destroy it?
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