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Found 8 results

  1. Hi thinkers and alike, What if there was a team of people, taking apart news articles and reassembling them using a scientific method to produce a more objective, fact simili product? It'd be mainly done by cleaning up phrases and words that are meant to spin the story, generate an emotional cloud obscuring the real content, intentionally misleading the readers? What could be even better, if their methodology could be peaked into, updated with crowd-sourced recommendations; using the power of feedback, continously. If you are a subscriber to "theknifemedia.com", please share your experiences with us. I would like to know your take, on what they do in your opinion. Barnsley
  2. Hi there, I just started a flair/pin company and it's been interesting going around selling my first pin. As I hoped, it has sparked discussions with people about philosophy and current events, due to the nature of it being what it is, but mainly being a mysterious green thing on my lapel I designed this enamel pin as a reference to the meme wars that thew the MSM down onto it's haunches this year . Have a look and share it if you would. I'll be making more but this is probably the only "Pepe" niche one I'll produce. And because I have gained so much from FreedomainRadio and the community built around it, for every pin sold to a FreedomainRadio member I will donate half the payment back ($3.50) to Stephan @ FreedomainRadio. Just message me your order confirmation # and name, or you can email me @ [email protected] with your FreedomainRadio username and reference your order number. I'll post back to you the donation receipt, and you can confirm that with Mike! I'm also into giving away a few of the for FREE to those with tighter wallets but can share pinbit.club with their friends! Pin image Attached!
  3. HaHa! https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/765889719699775488
  4. I came upon this article and found hope, seeing that others out there in the scientific community are realizing the effects of ignorance. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/24/opinion/the-case-for-teaching-ignorance.html?ref=opinion Do you think that this will grow and help change the world?
  5. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/lena-dunham-responds-to-sex-abuse-claims?bffbnews That's the article. Will be interesting to see how this gets spun, if it gets attention, etc. Hope it isn't a repost. Karl
  6. http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=8037720011 http://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-bezos-60-minutes-surprise-2013-12 EDIT: I see now that it's actually an 8-rotor machine, not a 4-rotor as my thread title indicates.
  7. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/nsa-data-sweep-intercepted-conversations-of-ordinary-internet-users-1.2698074 I think keywords like "Anarchism" and many other words have put us all on their list. (Puts on tinfoil hat) Maybe someone is reading this now...
  8. What ever happened to self determination, that the UN Charter on Human Rights called a right? (No I am not saying the UN is so great, but it just put forth right already inherent to man). Does that mean squat? And why does the US get weapons, but Iran can't? Doesn't it seem odd that it is alright for India, Russia, China, among others, who could be argued are more of a threat to the US, to get a weapon, but Iran and North Korea can't? It just seem funny that everyone, including liberals, drink the kool aid. I have tried saying how would you like it if China or Russia invaded out country (demonstrating what the drone program is doing, but in an applicable example), or how would you like it if they bomb our country? They, in their patriotic fervor, obviously say that would be wrong. So why is it right for us to bomb their country, which obviously did nothing wrong? IDK anymore.
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