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  1. I quit my job a week ago. I was supporting a proprietary industrial control system that was, as of six months ago, going to be phased out.The job was turning out to be a dead-end. This job represented a big change in pay and I was able to squirrel away alot of money in savings. This job also was teaching me new skills and entrusted alot of customer relation aspects to me to figure it out and make it work. I liked that aspect and received regular feedback that I was able to satisfy customers while resolving complex technical issues with out-in-the-field technicians. The company troubles started when the founder of died. A few days after he died, the R&D dept. (for our next gen controller) was axed. They had just finished final testing and were about to start field testing with clients who were willing to participate. I can not make business sense of the timing. After this happened our engineers and higher up managers basocally stopped coming into work except for a couple of days out of the week. Things were looking really bad and our customers were starting to stop engaging with my company. It seemed like this company was nearing the end of the road, everyone knew it but nobody would talk about it or address the problems with the company. We woukd always get the fake corporate double speak of "great changes" and "just about to turn the corner" while doing nothing different or having a plan of recovery. Anyways, months ago I let my boss know that I was looking for new employment and my boss surprised me by saying he was as well but not to tell anyone. I said I would let him know when I found a new job. Well things kept deteriorating and people started getting petty and stressful. Every molehill was a mountain. I finally had to quit because the stress was way too much. Now Im getting nightmares about conflicts between my old boss and a different nightmare of being stuck in Japan due to a massive volcanic eruption. How do I make these stop? Im already under alot of stress and its very difficult to have a normal sleep cycle. I need to study and focus because I would like to make my resumé look better with some technical certifications.
  2. In most of this dream I'm simultaenously (or one after another) helping Bill Gates and chavs achieve their goals. A chav is the UK equivalent of an aussie bogan, or US 'white trash/guido/hick'. They are often violent, drug taking, dissociated, predominantly white youths. Of which there were plenty where I grew up (and also where I live now). However to begin with (I think, I'm not 100% sure about the chronology of this dream) I am in the front room of my parent's house where I grew up (haven't lived there since my early twenties). This gang keeps bringing mutilated dead bodies to the room, where I and a medic (although perhaps I AM the medic, I feel like the perspective was unclear. It could even be that I am merely a voyeur watching this on tv and am not actually present..) tend to them. When the bodies come in, around 75-80% have mutilated lower-halves from the waist down, where they have either a huge scaly fish lower half, or a huge scaley cockroach abdomen lower half. There may have been other types but it's always something without legs and the appearance of the least human looking animals i.e. scaly insects and fish. The colour is always a dirty dark orange. They also have bloody faces and other injuries. Sometimes me and the medic discover someone who is still alive (again I get a feeling it's the ones that still have legs that have the best shot) and we immediately tell them when they regain consciousness (or at least he does and I just mentally urge him) to stay quiet and play dead while we plan their escape. They have to pretend to be dead each time the gangs come in. It's like the gang thinks the room is a place to dump dead bodies, while me and the medic treat it more as a medic tent in a war. Either before or after this (I suspect after), the dream cuts to me working with Bill Gates as some kind of personal assistant. He comes accross as very cold and unfeeling, it's a young (early thirties) and physically vital Bill Gates who is slightly more heavyset and taller than IRL, almost like a cross between Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Christopher Reeve's superman and that portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in 'The Social Network' (personality wise). He has the Bill Gates specs. I get the feeling he is desperate and at some point he is in the process of having a boat made to send to a girl he wants. I feel it is an aggressive attempt to 'capture' her as he shows no sign of fondness for her, beyond her being something to 'own', another 'thing' to add to his collection of expensive things. I don't bring up this issue with him. At one point we are in his convertible driving around silicon valley and I feel like he is trying to school me (though looking back this could be my delusion, as he seems to merely be thinking out loud) he says something like: "people think I hire remotely, but I get close and personal, I like to be 'right there', I will travel the 34000 miles" (incidentally - though I'm not sure if I did the maths in the dream - this is the same distance it would take to do a round trip to a place on the other side of the planet, which for where I live would be somewhere like Australia or NZ.) At some point, either after or while I am helping Bill Gates, I am also helping these chavs to achieve their scummy ends. The first one either dies, gets locked up or I stop helping him, the second chav I start helping looks a little like my younger brother (though not extensively), though his name is 'Atta' which is pretty similar to my brothers name. He has beadier eyes than the first chav and looks like the actor Gerard Kearns. He's in his early twenties at the latest. I can only recall what happened with Atta and not the other chav. At one point we have just committed some kid of crime and another chav who was helping us runs away. Immediately Atta transforms into a policeman's uniform (here in the UK that's flourescent yellow clothing and a hat) and begins leaving a trail of evidence framing the absconder for the entire crime by leaving a trail of socks in the path he ran - which frames him for some reason - before transforming back into his classic chav gear. Later we are in the woods under an old railway bridge, similar (perhaps the same) to one I grew up near. Atta is taking a piss under the bridge while I am keeping lookout, while pissing he tells me "you don't like to rise, that's why I like you". When I ask him if he likes to rise himself, he zips up his fly, walks out from under the bridge and says "yeah, I want to get to the top" as he walks past me. As with Bill Gates, he doesn't look at me when talking, but just assumes I am listening (I assume). I get the feeling both Atta and Bill are just getting on with their own thing and don't really need me, while I hang on for snippets. The only time I could see them focusing on me would be if I made a mistake in helping them, at which point they would come down on me like a ton of bricks. At the end of the dream something is burning in the woods at a distance and me and Atta decide to go investigate. I have a vague idea of what the burning is about (perhaps it was in the dream and I forgot), and I encourage the investigation. Looking back just now however, I feel like Atta perhaps knew even more than me about it, judging from the vague, cruel half-smile on his face. ---- Notes: I felt I had no choice throughout the dream. Like I would be lost without helping these people, however immoral they may be. I felt nervous, but also a shaky sense of security, in that at least they are taking 'the bigger risks' and I am 'safer in their shadow'. Bill Gates reminded me a little of my dad when he was younger, and Atta of my brother. I am not in contact with either of them. The dead body situation was the most scary, but again, I don't remember feeling terrified, when surely it would have been be an entirely natural reaction! --- Recent Events: I had this dream the night after I met an FDR member for the first time (first member of FDR I've met) earlier that day. In my old town (which does have a high chav population). We had a good time and some good conversation but I was pretty nervous and left after a few hours in a state of mental exhaustion. In particular I felt sick in a museum we went in that I hadn't visited since I was a child. --- I'd really appreciate any ideas about what this dream could mean. Bit of a math mistake there. It's actually 34000 in kilometres not miles. I may well have believed it was 34000 (17000 each way) miles before I had the dream however.
  3. Hello, I had some thoughts this morning about what a "worst nightmare" means for adults vs. children and made this video. Any feedback is welcome, thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-80hZH6f4I
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