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  1. OK before everyone rages here I am being serious and I am an anarchist like the rest of you. I am going to simply be talking about strategy for the future. I am not trying to argue that we should not be anarchists, and I am not trying to attack anarchy at its core. Please keep try to keep your emotions in check I would like to just talk about strategy, and how effective the current anarchy campaign is presently. I have noticed that because of brainwashing, lack of self knowledge, negatives representations of anarchy in media, normalization of violence, etc, anarchy is an incredibly tough sell to anyone. Converting a meaningful portion of the population to anarchy is a daunting and impossible task. Because of this should we spend our time working on the near impossible? Supporting and teaching statists to instead support voluntary relationships, oppose violence, and leave politics as much out of it as you can. Don't tell them you are a anarchist. Don't even hint at it. And don't even try to suggest they change their political beliefs. Just attack them at the most basic level and help get them to support the fundamentals and the rest will follow in time. I would argue that if you can help push the population towards the basics fundamentals of anarchy without telling them so they will be primed for future conversion. Another problem with being an anarchist is that once you claim to be one you put a target on your back. Your opinions and arguments are automatically less effective. People do not like anarchy and their defenses go up instantly. If you never trigger that first set of defenses then you have a higher chance to get them to stop hitting their kids, change their relationships, etc. I would suggest simply stating you are pro nonviolence, and have no political ties. In conclusion I propose that it would be more effective in the short and long run to abandon anarchy and just promote nonviolence. If you start with nonviolence and people start applying it to all aspects of their lives the ending effect will be at very least a bunch of statist libertarians which would be a great start. I would even suggest not saying you are an anarchist, libertarian, or any political view at all. I think if you stay as neutral as possible and attack the fundamental flaws in society you will see a faster more effective change. What do you think of my theory? Is it spot on? Do you completely disagree? Do you have an alternative plan? Do you think anarchy is spreading quickly enough? Do you think anarchy will ever leave the fringe with our current strategy?
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