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Found 4 results

  1. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa-trump-idUSKCN0YN35S
  2. True to their word, Anonymous releases "The Interview" on all torrent sites on the 25th of December. Looks like Stefan was right, this whole North Korea scare story was a red herring. I dunno if I should post direct links but you can google it yourself, it's everywhere.
  3. so, recently I've been doing a bit of research into North Korea, and what I've found has been rather disturbing. These people are told stories of their great leaders from the time they are in elementary school(yes I know all too famliar, but on a much more direct level) and are bread with an innate hatred of America, and, even to the point where many of them believe they are stronger than the united states. What really concerns me though, is that if America were to outright disband, we would leave south korea to fend for themselves, and I believe the mathematics of war are pretty clear there, north korea would decimate south korea without the US to back it. The city of Seoul would be reduced to a "sea of fire"(their words not mine) and it would be a huge tragedy. So I guess I just wanted to run this thought by other liberty minded folk. It deeply concerns me, because I do believe liberty is in our grasp, but how do we walk away from a situation we are so strongly embedded in? Right now the only reason we are in South Korea as far as I know is as a part of a continuing campaign to encircle China, posturing ourselves so that we would have air and naval bases on all sides in the event of an all out war with China. If America were to disband, would there be any reason left to continue our military aid in South Korea and if not, what would become of them.
  4. So I came across what seems to be North Korea's Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/stimmekoreas/videos It's insane. I don't speak korean but it's so obvious everything is just a facade. Hitchens was right when he said people were wrong saying North Korea is like 1984, North Korea IS 1984.
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