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  1. (FOB=fresh off boat). I was a a college gathering chit chatting with different girls and one guy. In any case, there was one that stuck out like a sore thumb, that being this one Syrian girl. IDK how long she has been at the college, but it was the first time I saw her. In any case, she caught my eye. I only had an hour, so I did not talk with her, and she seemed quiet, with the exception of when the facillitators asked her a few questions. Anyways, I seen her at the computer lab at school the next day, said hi, then sat down, did not pay attention as much, and she left. But after she left, her friends that sat next to her started giggling. IDK if that was good or bad. Anyways, went home added her, and when we chatted, she said hi, asked her about pre med, she said yeah, then I asked her about why she got into pre med, and never responded. Is it her shyness, or me?
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