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Found 3 results

  1. weenie


    When debating with statists, I often find it useful to explain how a free society could work through panarchism. I think it's a way of implementing the principles of anarcho-capitalism, without the need to invent new words, like DROs. You can simply tell people, you think individuals should be able to switch governments without needing to move away, and how this would let everyone live under the laws they find just and under the government that adequately enforces them. From then on you can explain how this would lead to less social tension, less possibility of armed conflicts and to a system, that would be able to keep governments economically accountable. Do you ever approach any debates with this idea? Does anyone think there are some inconsistencies between panarchism and anarcho-capitalism? I also made a short presentation of panarchism, feel free to tell me what you think about it:
  2. I just learned about an interesting political philosophy that was created by Paul Émile de Puydt & as you may have guessed it is called Panarchism. "Panarchism is a political philosophy emphasizing each individual's right to freely join and leave the jurisdiction of any governments they choose, without being forced to move from their current locale." -https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panarchism There is close suggestion to this that was created by a Swiss Economist called Functional Overlapping Competing Jurisdictions (FOCJ) but to me that conception sounds like pre-Thirty Years War Germany honestly. I think this is viable & was wondering what everyone else thought? BTW I will now call myself a Panarcho-Capitalist Edit: It was a joke because they are contradictions of each other, like I have said many times my jokes aren't great. Edit 2: Here are some articles I read on Panarchism that explain it better than the Wikipedia article, please if your going to comment with something regarding it please read a few of these before you do. http://www.panarchy.org/zube/gospel.1986.html http://www.panarchy.org/zube/aphthonius.2005.html http://www.panarchy.org/rozeff/panarchism.html http://www.panarchy.org/knott/principles.html http://www.panarchy.org/debellis/onpanarchy.html
  3. I have decided to form my very own micronation, IRL. The Panarchist Republic (palcemarker) will be a tax free haven that will promote free trade and peace. I have become infuriated with the growth of government, regulations , and taxes, and I can't find any nation to my liking. So I have decided to declare the Panarchist Republic. Here is the "constitution": https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwYBhJtU2sLjNVNIZU9ZWnhzSjQ/edit?usp=sharing . I am seriously figuring out details right now in regards to it. If you are interested, add me and we could PM. The idea is to form a givernance unit that will encourage competitive governance.
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