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Found 2 results

  1. Currently 19 years old, deciding whether or not I should set myself up for the possibility of a family later on, or whether I should set myself up for being single for the rest of my life. Thoughts? Pros and Cons for each? I'm an Omega male so getting laid isn't an option.
  2. I have been into the idea of peaceful parenting for about six months. I am still a recovering authoritarian parent of four beautiful children who were victims of my lack of parenting knowledge for far too long. (They're now 6, 8, 9, and 12 years old) My problem is: I am hitting a huge brick wall when it comes to getting my wife on board with the new methods and I'm not really sure how to approach it. She has already agreed not to spank or hit the children, but it's not because she "gets it." She complies with my wishes out of fear that I will get upset at her if she does. I've already let her know that I am not willing to accept this treatment for our children anymore. Another caveat is that she is heavily influenced by her friends and family who all find my new methods silly. I've tried to sit her down and explain the methodology and the rationale behind it all, but I can't seem to get through to her. I'm worried that it is my fault for being unable to properly communicate the ideas and influence her to change willingly. I realize that we need to provide a united front when it comes to parenting our children, and I'm not willing to budge on using coercion and fear to raise my kids. Anyone have any suggestions for this scenario?
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