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  1. Hi thinkers and alike, (some housekeeping first) Disclaimer : From here, there'll be spoilers. So continue reading at your own discretion. I wouldn't dare to take 'pot shots' at UPB or the well intended (unless I had good arguments against, which I don't = I use it, it works... not an argument, though.) , simply because I hold them dear to me, plus have a great respect for the virtuous. (If I do, please call me out on it.) This is a video Stefan Molyneux did on the Force Awakens and another, Harry Potter, Star Wars and the Violent Fantasies of Crushed Souls and about Carrie Fisher.. RIP Carrie Fisher | Star Wars Princess Leia my aim here: Is to discourage the uninitiated from developing a liking to Star Wa... nope, that's not it lemme' try once again.. Is to shine a light(no pun intended) on the 'bright/good side' suggesting that certainly it wasn't so bright, while also reminding people/having a discussion about the sophistry that's been going on in each&all movies (at times), caveats that will rewrite entire narratives but are rooted in philosophy. - - - - (now to the 'meat of the matter') If a MASTER UPB philosopher had taught at the Central Jedi Academy, there wouldn't have been any problem teaching the young Anakin Skywalker (mind-fiddly: Jesus-ish connotations regarding his birth?! Eh?!) to fully embrace the 'suck', learning to properly allocate responsibility/process emotions and he wouldn't have wanted to join the dark side. E-veR. No way. Barnsley
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