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  1. I get an error "There appears to be an error with the database" when trying to post a new 'Isssue' - the issue/suggestion I wanted to get off my chest is: I ran into a discussion about minimum wages today and remembered there was a podcast a while ago about this subject. I tried to find this to throw into the discussion - but was unable to find it. I looked through the youtube channel first - nothing came up for a search for that keyword.Then I went to the main site, no luck,then I finally logged into the forums, again no go.With this huge amount of content I am sure there should be somethnig for me to find - but no, so I believe, we need a better indexing/tagging functionality for the site.I am sure this could be handled with crowd sourcing - if every subscriber gets a chance and request to add a few tags (including time index for audio/video) for everything she/he digests, it should be a rather painless task to get a good index of all of Stefans content.
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