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  1. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about infinity. To me, it's a given that there is no highest number (as we can add one or any amount onto it). Infinity is a mathematical given and 'proven' in an a priori sense. However, we can observe and measure the universe in terms of 'things' (see Vsauce vid below). There is also the Second Law of Thermodynamics (see link) which states that all things in the universe tend to go from states of order to disorder, but it doesn't preclude an infinite universe in and of itself as this just points to the 'heat death' scenario of the universe's end in which every particle is separated from every other by infinite distance. If we accept the Big Crunch scenario (see link), then it's even worse as the cyclical universe is, by nature, infinite. Is there any way we DON'T live in an infinite universe? If we acknowledge the 'problem of infinity' then how can we NOT acknowledge that there must be a temporal stop-gap? There must have been what Aristotle called a Prime Cause (or mover). Yes, I get that scientists argue that it makes no sense to talk of a 'prime mover' or 'cause' of the Big Bang or the universe as time and space began with the universe itself, but this still doesn't address the problem of infinity. Perhaps we are just built to only understand things in terms of time and space, as we are part of the very structure of the universe itself. It kind of feels like a cop-out though. The universe clearly 'lives' or exists in time. It had a beginning and will therefore have an 'end' (in a broad sense), but how do we avoid the infinite regress counter-arguments against the existence of a 'God' or prime mover? Disclaimer: please understand, this is not an argument for or against God's existence. The problem of infinity effects both camps, although religious people feel more comfortable with an idea of eternal existence than I do. I find the prospect terrifying as I think living forever would be exceptionally (no, infinitely) boring... Vsauce vid on quantifying the universe (n.b. this suggests it's 'finite'): The Second Law of Thermodynamics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_law_of_thermodynamics Ultimate fate of the universe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_fate_of_the_universe Big Crunch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Crunch Prime Cause: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmological_argument Spacerip video on Infinity: Cheers.
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