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Found 6 results

  1. I've been a married man for 7 years now, no kids, no abuse in my background, no rap sheet. As an insult from women in my life, I have been called "crazy" at different times, in the context of "F you, you're F'n crazy" or "get away from me, you're crazy". It's always been as a parting shot, from women I've had bad experiences with that ended in bitter fights. This is not a common occurrence, but it stands out as the times that it has happened that puzzle me, because that has been their go-to insult. I'm an average guy, I have many friends and loved ones. I talk to people regularly, other people close to me have never called me crazy. These were not all from women that I had intimacy with, some were just friends. My question for men is, (assuming you're a sane, rational group) Have you experienced the same when ending it with a woman? If "crazy" is that common of an insult, what could be the reason behind that choice of words?
  2. On December 27th, 2016, Stefan reloaded a YouTube video that he uploaded several weeks prior, titled "Woman rejects feminism, triggers SJWs". There is something Stefan is missing in his argument, he says that late teens/early 20s is the best time to have children for health and fertility reasons, and encourages women to go with child-rearing first, career later, but at this point in a person's life, most people have very little money and can barely afford to live on their own. Picture it: Young couple, the woman stays at home to be a young mother, WHERE is the money coming from? The father's crummy job changing tires or stocking overnight at Walmart? You can't raise a family in 2016 with an income like that. More money has to come from somewhere. Living in Toronto, being older and well-to-do with his successful wife, Stef's position isn't in touch with the current economic situation for the age group he is encouraging to have children. Am I wrong? Did I misunderstand his statement?
  3. Hi, I got a question and answer concerning the purpose of life. I was thinking about 'What is the purpose of life' and seeing and hearing all the material Stefan Molyneux has provide to me through his Youtube channel, I would conclude that the purpose of life is to get offspring (be a parent) and one day ask your child / children at an adult age, if they think you did a good job as a parent raising them up to be rational, free thinking individuals. Would you agree? How do parents think about this? Thank you,
  4. Hey everyone, I'm currently in graduate school for my masters in geology and am wondering about my job prospects and the moral implications surrounding them. Basically I have two options for work; the oil or mining industry. Since oil geologists don't have to be away from home at weeks/months at a time like mining geologists often do, I feel this is the best choice for me since I plan on having a family in the future. I would never want to have kids if I knew I had to be away from them for extended periods of time. Now that being said, there are moral concerns I have with working for a large oil company. Oil spills are something that come to mind and I don't know if I should feel at all morally responsible to a certain degree if one were to happen at the company I work for. My job would be most likely be to help find the oil resovoirs and primairly its the managers that cheap out / cut corners who are primarily responsible. Other than spills, there is general pollution surrounding oil, but I am not convinced global warming is substantially manmade. The other negative moral implication is that I'd be working for a corporation which is shielded by state power. As Stef has mentioned, if these companies mess up (like cause a spill), the exectutives are safe, backed by the government and don't have to pay for most of the damage they created. Now I understand without government, it wouldn't be like this, and fundamentally the companies are not the issue, its state power. That being said though, if I work for them I don't know how morally connected I would be to everything. This same relationship of state power and coprorations exists also in the mining industry as well, just not to the extent that it does with oil. Beside the percieved negative aspects morally of working for an oil company, I think there are some moral positives. Oil is obviously something we use every day. Anything we use has to be shipped using oil. Its something society relies on and I feel it would be would be rewarding to help find reserves. Let me know what you guys think about all of this. Do the positives outweigh the negatives in your view?
  5. About 6 months ago, I remember at the beginning of a podcast that Stefan was talking about the Great Gatsby, giving a small sort of review. I'm pretty sure it was a call in show, but I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of what specific podcast it is since I cannot recall. Thanks!
  6. I'm looking for a Molyneux video what on what real conversation is, a definition that is meant to be shared like he did with this video on motivation and not liking your job. I've searched YouTube and podcasts and can't find anything like this, if anything, maybe there is a show where he talks about it. Thanks for any help.
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