I remember watching a video a while back that had this neat diagram. The youtube video's topic was on law, the rule of law, ideas of republic and democracy and the sort. Anyway I can't find the video, but was thinking and wanted to get forum reads opinions on this topic. I think it has some relevance to what Stefan was talking about in his Gene Wars podcast.
I listed them as way 1 and way 2. The third path is not mentioned. Way 1 is more leaning towards the right on the political spectrum. With the idea that the law should be the foundation and apply equally across the board to everyone. Way 2 is more leaning to the left. With the idea that law should be use to elevate people to a equal strength to others.
I'll explain strength. Strength will be some measure of economical status. Example. I came into the world to parent with alot of money thus is of a higher status than you who came to be with parent of modest mean. Way 2 would say the laws need to be changed to increase you who are modest so you can be at my level of status.
Tell me what you think thanks.
P.S. I attach the pictures for a visual representation. I took them out of my note book so they are kinda crude.