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Found 5 results

  1. I'm not sure I've ever believed in a God. But if you've ever questioned it, this is a video you may relate to. As a small teaser, there's a bit at the end of the video that makes me wonder if Hopsin's caught a few Freedomain Radio videos. Check out the ILL Mind of Hopsin 7 Below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBsA2ETp7JA
  2. So, I was listening to a cover of Coolio's song Gangsta's Paradise from the 1995 film Dangerous Minds when I really stopped to listen to the lyrics. At this point, I am convinced that this song is entirely about the self justification of an r-selected gangster (which I guess is redundant). What is even more intriguing is that lines like, now incorporate a self reflective or at least telling inside into the mindset of an r-selected world view. Do you think I'm off base, missing something, or just overthinking the r/K stuff. Please let me know. Below is the video for reference:
  3. I felt as if this video belonged in this section rather than miscellaneous.
  4. I've always had trouble with writing. The criteria for what's good or better were ambiguous, ungraspable, and inconsistent. But it turns out, if you have motivation, an interest, something to say, then it kind of just flows. I recently got inspired by Baba Brinkman who raps about unusual stuff like Canterbury tales and evolution. I thought I'd whip up a lot of my perspectives on various things, FDR style, and it turns out it's really not that hard, once you have something to say. __________________________ My family is comprised of memes, not genes. To me, it seems bias for relatives and nationalism is just a localized form of racism. Preference for kin is a stone throw's away from judging by color of skin. "You're Native American? Here's cash in your hand!" is just as race-based and external as saying "You're black? Sit in the back!" Positive or negative, the criterion is epidermal. Advocating affirmative action is straight up askin' to be chastised by the meme of King Jr's dream. Now sit, take a look How does some some nigga ass gook who shares but little more than my eye span stack up against a kind chap or wise man from Britain or Iran? Why should I favor representation of Asians over universalization of non-aggression? I'd rather have the forward-thinking people like Hawking and Dawkins do well, and give TED Talks in the limelight to rid the toxins of boxed-in unfalsifiable doctrines. Just walk in They'll put more than a chink in that armor of irrationalism with some scientific thinking. So I Invest in those without conflicts of interest. And yes, You can probably guess I shun dominance and conquest. Instead, aim to be the best like the rest of your fellow humans who compete peacefully in the markets to bring you the internet. If you're going to call cops to point guns at me, kindly exit stage left.
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