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  1. I regularly watch a very funny, informative podcast posted by some industry leaders in the mortgage and real estate industry and I just had to share today's 5 minute video! The topic is unfortunate (govt regulation always is), but presented in a hilariously funny way in a very short 5 minute video. (Link below) Basically, the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) was created 4 years ago and is outside Congressional oversight because it is officially under the Federal Reserve. (..a whole different topic there.. but I'll keep this post more focused) So... an official report issued by the very same Federal Reserve actually states that their very own CFPB (the extra burden of complying with all the new regulation) has been responsible for holding down loan origination (driving down lending) and being the 'stick in the spokes of the industry!' WOW, thanks for the honesty FED (for once!) The new burden of compliance is estimated to have increased real estate closing costs by about 6% overall.. so the real cost to the average Joe buying a piece of real estate with a mortgage is actually 6% more (not due to inflation, just actual increase in costs) Thank you government regulation!!! (rolling eyes while shaking head) Here's the video.. highly suggest watching it for the comedy alone! http://thenationalrealestatepost.com/the-cfpb-is-the-new-herpes/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheNationalRealEstatePost+%28The+National+Real+Estate+Post%29
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