Would like to know if there are any relaible recommend any US-Based forums devoted to computer repair/self help.( or any websites with reliable tech help sections,)
I have have been trying to find a reliable community for about a year.....however I don' t have much time to socialize out side of workd, and have not had much experience searchign for help online. I have been used to simply consulting whatever local shop was where I lived for "Advice"
I "am
9cahgerd me 60 dollars just to tell me that they weren't able to fix a tower compute I brought in for repairs...)
The last Prslowdowns and processor problems, as well
REuirres on to go under the hood myself.... Iw wouldn't trust someone else to do so ...
I am not that familiar with other than thw one attached to cnet (which i s linked to so many ads, script s and tracker hatit iss unbareabe
There seem to be a number...many of them fake , or based in India .....
The all popular stack-exchange has some sections for comute ... ther is also an affiliated site "who's name escapes me" that i had signed up for some mnths ago up until now.......There are
CNET.. whcih is so untenavle to use and imper
I've also had to deal with not being helpful
I have had to go without advice for a long tiem