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Found 5 results

  1. From a call-in show, 38 minutes in: I used to think having all this red pill knowledge was a terrible burden, and I wondered what it was like for Stef, assuming it must be 10 times worse for him. I think I'm a little more at peace with my red pill knowledge now, although I am no more optimistic.
  2. Guys watch 'The Red Pill' movie if you can. It is just marvelous and just in my own life was instrumental in finally getting loved ones to understand our perspective against feminism. http://theredpillmovie.com/ It covers the journey of a feminist to becoming a normal person after daring to listen to a few from the MRA movement.
  3. Hey all, Does anyone have advice for a "Red Pill playlist" that could help introduce people to libertarian/rational thought? I have a few people in my life with whom I'd like to share some of the kind of perspectives FDR/Stef put forth. We're talking 'fertile ground' Republicans/Libertarians who are lower hanging fruit - they just happen to consume a bit too much main stream media. We're also talking full-blown progressives who only seek out echo-chamber perspectives from sources like Jezebel, Gawker, BuzzFeed, Cracked, etc. I know the strategies would be entirely different. Just wondering if any of you had any experience with this kind of... ummm.... project. Cheers, mj
  4. Narration by Milo Yiannopoulos. Original audio - http://tomwoods.com/576/ This video is completely viewer supported. Please consider becoming a patron of our work: https://www.patreon.com/illustratedphilosophy
  5. Why is it that we have been able to break out of our mental conditioning, while others flounder? Wa sit our upbrining? Dissillusionment? It seems like man can not be reduced to a theory as far as enslavement goes. But it really interests me. It seems we arecapable of such high reason as the Reformation and the Enlightenment, yet many time we waste it.Why is this? And why can't we as a so called society overcome this?
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