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  1. I am certainly not the first one asking this question I think. I live in a country that is mostly catholic and socialized healthcare, last year i lived/worked in Swiss and I started going to therapy when I listened to FDR...(2, 2.5 year listener i think) In Swiss the doctor just drugged me, which helped in some way, but no therapy or journalling, he just prescribed, during my visits he had a little chat with me,.., I signalled I had some issues i would like to talk about but he said, "well just let the medication kick in and after you will be more receptive to journalling" etc. At that time due to work stress etc.., I was almost on the brink of a nerveous breakdown and I was sometimes depressed, I remembered i cried in his office first time i was there.., very emotional stuff. But I got to think about it and i would rather have a therapist (skype) who agrees with me in the ancap phylosophy.. I dont want to hear I should man up and forgive and forget my trauma from childhood,.., not that my prev therapist was saying that but he turned was a very religious person, (catholic) and I just dont feel comfortable with that. I am willing to do skype, I am sure there must be 1 or 2 people here who have explored this avenue of therapy. Thanks JacBot.
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