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  1. Not going to argue about ideas in this thread, but would like to know more about how ancaps might transition to a stateless society. My questions are as follows: What is to be done with illegitimate property titles? Do they revert to non-ownership for homesteading, or do they continue on? How are illegitimate property titles divided if at all? If legitimate acquisitions are not expropriated, how would legitimacy be decided in a contemporary society on the brink of transition? Could general levelling be on the table? How is violent suppresion/resistance by conservative forces (state & it's beneficiaries) overcome? Do you consider resistance (violent or otherwise) by these bodies likely? If so, how would these power structures be overcome & dismantled? What specific sectors of society will likely be the motive force for change? Is there a set of intellectual or material preconditions for transition? Would transition be peaceful or might it entail a violent social revolution? Would a an-cap society utilize any transitional forms of organization before the conclusive implementation of pure laissez-faire organization? What is the likely outcome of a failed transition? Thanks.
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