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  1. I had a conversation on YouTube this morning and some interesting thoughts were exchanged. I thought I would share them in this forum. When I was younger, I studied music at the university and my teachers told me that Berkeley was the best school for musicians but it was way too expensive for most of us. It was still the dream of most musician to go and study there. Now, today we see Antifa, BLM, feminists, snowflakes who have taken over the university. Just today, we saw images of random people being beat up by mobs and had piss pored on them. Some people paid over 20 000$ per semester to study there. At the end of their studies, they will probably have a 6 figures dept. Now think for a minute when these people will look for a job and on their resume, the name Berkeley will be writen on the piece of paper. I think the employer will say ''thanks but no thanks. We are here to work and we dont want no trouble makers here''. So a diploma at Berkeley will have a negative value. I bet that in the coming years, Berkeley will have a hard time economically because no one will want to apply at that university. Berkeley will go down in history as a synonyme of failure.
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