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Found 2 results

  1. I am a co-organizer for a philosophy meet-up group in downtown SLC that meets every Sunday, with other meetings on Saturdays and occasionally during the week. We talk abstract philosophy, religion, atheism, politics, and whatever else strikes us. We're mostly a mix of college-age kids and middle-aged guys, with a sprinkling of everyone else with a variety of philosophical and political positions, regularly argued in a civilized, respectful manner. We're open to the public and up for any subject of discussion, all in a casual environment with snacks usually provided. If you're at all interested in meeting some philoso-folks, drop a comment or send me a message and let's talk!
  2. If you are interested in being involved with or attending a libertarian event featuring speakers, workshops, and seminars, in the fall of 2014, or spring 2015, in Salt Lake City, please comment on/like this thread, or send me a message. I am probing the level of interest for a sort of Liberty Festival in SLC. The state of Utah follows a long libertarian tradition, and for this and other reasons, I anticipate such a festival to be well-attended and well-received. I have access to venues and equipment for little or nothing, and I believe there is a substantial audience. This post is one of many ways I can verify that belief, and build a case for investment/donation from local businesses. There are already many local libertarian foundations that we can bring together for such an event. There is a massive audience in Utah, but it remains fragmented and divisive. There are libertarians that want to be left alone to raise their children and practice their religion, and there are libertarians who want to marry their same-sex partner. There are libertarians that want to own and carry guns, and those who want to home-school, and those who want to walk their dogs without being harassed. No largely cohesive and uniting libertarian ideology has been offered to these people, but that is why the audience is so primed to receive a true libertarian message. I already have people willing to provide venues, goods, and services; their commitment is only limited to the level of interest I can promote. So I thought this would be a good place, among others, to ask for help. If you would go to a Liberty Festival in Utah, or if you just like the idea, then let me know, and I'll see what I can do. If we get a big enough audience, maybe Stefan could even be coaxed into coming down. Thanks, -Austin Two local organizations that have already agreed to help: http://www.americanprep.org/home/ http://libertasutah.org/
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