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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys, I have recently found this young man's channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRM6XPcm5tS1dYKgQXMgKbQ He does conservative satire and I found his content pretty clever and entertaining. I think it might be nice to give his channel some love and attention because goodness knows, leftists have full monopoly when it comes to political satire and comedy. Byron P.S. In case you're wondering: No, I'm not him and I don't even know who he is.
  2. A well constructed article that actually got my blood boiling for a moment. Enjoy http://thelibertasproject.liberty.me/2014/08/18/i-spank-my-child-and-so-should-you/?refer=libertyme
  3. Sometimes, when the feminist propaganda gets unbearably crazy, it helps me to remember that all this is ripe for satire. To this end, I have created a character called Ms. LonelyHearts, who appears from time to time on my channel (The Critical G) Rather than invent feminism strawmen, Ms. LonelyHearts simply reads feminists' own words with a little more drama than they might have intended.Here's hoping it gives you a few laughs!Dramatic Reading of "Schrödinger's Rapist" by Miss LonelyHeartshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlK_aQjzqrQ&index=2&list=PLSKoTIjE4E2PhVGkC_GdC1LYZXsrYIf7HDramatic Reading of Adria Richards' Donglegate Blog Post by Miss LonelyHearts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnH3CW9x_lc&index=3&list=PLSKoTIjE4E2PhVGkC_GdC1LYZXsrYIf7H Dramatic Reading by Miss Lonelyhearts: "PIV Is Always Rape, OK?" (Witchwind)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02m_VPCcLjU&index=4&list=PLSKoTIjE4E2PhVGkC_GdC1LYZXsrYIf7H -- Alexander
  4. This is the best thing I've seen in a long time. Just watch the videos on their channel & check out the website. All children should have these toys & this coupled with peaceful parenting will make awesome children. http://thekronies.com
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