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  1. So, not feeling so high at the moment. Just had a talk with a former friend, that had found out that I have spoken about her with other friends, concerning her and her future romantic relationships. I had expressed my opinion to my other friends, that I thought that this girl would have trouble getting into a romantic relationship, because I had gotten the impression from being with her that she had a lot of emotional baggage. Anyways, me and this girl, agreed to only spend time with each other when we are in our social group, because she felt that it was wrong of me to judge her, and she felt that she could not trust me. She was really sad and angry with me, because her finding out what I had said had brought up tragic things from her past. She also told me that some of my other friends are annoyed with me, for the reason that they think it is not right for me to judge their personal relationships. I think I know who they are. I have contemplated this for a few months now. That I am too quick to judge, and that I shouldn't tell people what I think they are doing wrong, or that I disagree with their course of action. And I am starting to doubt myself, about judging the relationships of others. That I am doing something wrong. But, when I have been judging, I have always done it because I have felt that I have been trying to help my friends, from harming themselves in what could be bad relationships. So yeah. Not feeling good at all right now. Mentally, I feel lonely. Physically, I feel sick to my stomach, breathing heavily and feeling like I have a cold.(freezing and feeling like I have a fever). Have I been wrong to judge their relationships? Am I bad person? I am ever grateful for anyones perspective.
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