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  1. Hello FDR friends! I have been a FDR listener for about a year now and love this community. My life took a crazy turn a few months ago. (not in a determinist way) I had a son from a previous relationship and he lived with his mother. I am now married and have been for a few years. I am an ex-heroin IV user and used to be homeless and in and out of jails for about ten years. My sons mother was also an ex IV drug user. She had years of clean time until last November. She past away in April and the evidence points towards an overdose. My son now lives with me and my wife. (I have been sober for many years now.) Some really shady and appalling things happened to my son during the last days with his mother. A lot of it is speculation so I won't go into any details about it but I have since placed my son in CBT play therapy and I have been in therapy over the last 8 months. When I knew my son would be living with me I chose to quit my job so I could be with him all day. He is now 4 years old. I have started a Youtube channel called Teegz Adventures that "stars" my son. We film many different fun adventures that we go on and the channel is 100% kid-friendly. If any of you have little ones yourself or would like to check out his channel, I would love to have some philosophical, self aware, wonderful people in our community of friends there. As we all know how many youtube commenters are. I want my son to be surrounded by great people and I know no better place to find great people than here at FDR. If you enjoy our content, please subscribe and share our videos with your friends. I know this is a plug and a lot of people sigh at these sort of posts but it would mean the world to me and my son. Good people are hard to find so I want to take my chances here. Thanks everyone! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjA-Gv2bbV4Qr-nJ8696usQ
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