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  1. I want to try something. I want to assimilate a “Ten Commandments” type list of the most basic UPB principles (Rape, Murder, Theft, Fraud, etc) and attempt to get the major religions of the world to all agree to the basic premises. It’s all fine and dandy to expect everyone to become objective, secular humanists, but the truth is that people cling to their religions for multiple reasons. Rather than trying to “convert” them, why don’t we try to gain traction for UPBs from within? Let’s infect their theology with the virtue of UPB! I have many Muslim friends who clearly are outraged by Islamic fundamentalist shenanigans. I have Christian friends who want to denounce the Westboro Baptist shenanigans. They will go to their graves clinging to their religion, but if we can get them to subscribe to the basic tenants, and actively shun the bad behaviors (even though they are tacitly vindicated in the Quran and Bible), I think it will produce virtue. What say ye? We could call it something like the “World Morality Project.” We could go to high ranking members of all faiths and get photos of them signing off. Let’s get Mormons and Baptists and Muslims and Sikhs and Buddhists to all sign off on this stuff, so maybe the neighbor of an extremist can be infected with virtue and say “hey, before you go blow up that _____, look at these morals we all apparently subscribe to. Maybe your extremism is out of whack with your core beliefs.”
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