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  1. The world needs more freedom. We know that. How do we get there? Spread knowledge. How do we spread knowledge? Learn the knowledge and learn how to spread it. How? Well, what are we giving to people? Some give knowledge about economics, some philosophy, some ethics, some freedom of speech, some politics, some current affairs, some immigration, some documentaries, ect. There's a lot of components to it. It requires specialisation. Stefan has encouraged a few times for young people to become entrepreneurs for freedom. It seems like a fuzzy buzz word that makes you think of motivation and getting things done but I don't see how to translates into practice. I can understand financial entrepreneurship, starting businesses ect, but what does if have to do with philosophy? What does it mean and how is that different (if it is) than going to university? Maybe education is really going to the dump in America but in Australia, I haven't seen this degradation of education. Maybe it's not about specialisation. Is it a matter of moral courage? Just spreading the 'word'? Maybe it's a matter of spreading UPB and the idea of the false self? The words have already been spoken on this show. I don't think there's much to be courageous about at the moment other than private life matters. I can understand telling friends and family about UPB and about my insecurities but I don't think that's entrepreneurship. I know some stuff sure, but there are other people doing way better than me so I don't understand why an amateur opinion has weight in the free market of ideas. To be an entrepreneur you have to give something of value. That's why I want to go to university and become a psychologist. Perhaps I'll find myself teaching parents about child abuse. Perhaps I'll do something Jordan Peterson style. Perhaps I'll write a book about morality and psychology. Perhaps I'll find out I hate psychology and quit. Perhaps I'll start a YouTube channel. One day I might start a YouTube channel but that's definitely not something I should bet my all time on. I'm still gaining the knowledge for that and I don't know what I don't know. Therefore, I don't know how much efforts that's going to take. That's why you explore. That's why I want to learn about the mind and meet other students and network. Starting a YouTube channel is something you do when it calls to you when you've gained the knowledge required. That's how Stefan started FDR. Debt for university? Sure but why should I worry so much about money? It's the 21st century. I'll be able to afford what I need for a comfortable life. Why put all your eggs in one basket? Money isn't the eggs. Time is the eggs. If you were made out to be a YouTuber why don't both go to university and try starting a channel? Figure out what works and what doesn't. If going to university was the best thing ever you'll be happy you didn't put it off and did it while you were young and could afford to take potentially useless courses. If it was useless going to university what difference does it make? Some money which you didn't really need. Time? No. It doesn't take concentrated effort/time to figure out what makes the world go around. It takes experience and trying different things which there's plenty of time for in university. Once you've figured that out that's the point where you decide whether to stay in university or not. As for spreading knowledge? All the big voices are held up by the pillars of writers, psychologists, economists, etc. If someone is more eccentric than I am, it makes more sense to be their support than to be another voice. People have different personalities. Is everyone cut out to be an entrepreneur? I don't know. And again, there's no issue with both going to university and having a voice. In fact, I'd say it's preferable even if it's a COMPLETELY useless degree. I'm looking forward to joining freedom clubs and debating clubs and making friends with intelligent and like-minded people To summarise, TL;DR: What I'm not understanding is what does Stefan means by entrepreneur. It's ambiguous to me. Is getting a formal education not being an entrepreneur? If you are rational and willing to find what drives you, the only real loss I see in formal education in Australia is money spent that you don't need anyway. If I didn't go to university I'd probably be making a living wage and reading Atlas Shrugged for the rest of the day. I don't know what else I'd possibly want to do. Conversations on this show about being an entrepreneur and breaking the matrix and escapaing the false-self has provoked a black and white thinking inside me and sometimes I believe I must be inferior but perhaps this belief is false.
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