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  1. In the last few days, I've been meeting tons of new people in the back-to-school frenzy, and it's given me the chance to make some interesting connections between men and women. I'm interested in hearing what people think. This may have no connection at all, but I was wondering if there were "alpha and beta" women as there are men. 1. Alpha females are the attractive ones. Like alpha males, they rely on sexual appeal to attract men. They often care more about "shallow" traits such as clothes, hair, or makeup, rather than their ability to have a long-lasting relationship or provide value to a relationship. 2. Beta females are less attractive/don't place as much value in appearance, instead focusing on being a good friend etc. like a beta male, they might be the friend that people "love like a sister" eg. provide emotional comfort/support but never viewed in a sexual way 3. Beta females feel intimidated by alpha females, since many men will pay attention to the physically attractive women first. (I don't know if every man does this, but I've met a good few who always complain about the hot girls never want a good guy, while also ignoring the girls who may not care as much about looking sexually alluring) Following questions: If there are such things as alpha and beta females, do they approach finding a partner differently? There is the given explanation of how girls will want to have sex with alphas but have betas provide; could this be a mainly "alpha" behavior? It could explain why NAWALT. This could be completely wrong, but I've just been feeling too many of these comparisons in the last few days for me to ignore it. Any opinions, additions, criticisms, etc. would be very appreciated!
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