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  1. Hello, I would like to suggest that you interview James Yeager from Tactical Response. James has been on a few of Alex Jones youtube videos but it looks like a few got taken down. Before his ban he was at 330k Subscribers and has trained tens of thousands of people how to fight with firearms. It looks like after his YouTube ban he managed to get some videos back up under another username. I've been a long time listener/supporter of both FDR and James (since around 2011). I've donated for quite a few years to FDR, I am a multiple Alumnus of Tactical Response, and I really think you two could put on a great show that would benefit the philosophical community as well as the gun community with this cross pollination. It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war. We need to be able to make good arguments to the world but we may also need to survive through dangerous times to continue making those arguments. Thank you for your time. His Scott Peterson Video Many of his Videos can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh6iq_mOy33ZPp2EMhqQOeA/playlists A few Subject suggestions: Recent Mass Shootings, his recent launch of LiberTV video website (he wants this to rival youtube), what separates him from other firearms instructors (emphasis on FIGHTING with firearms), Danger of the Political Climate (antifa and ilk), Failure of governmental institutions to protect their citizens, terrible state of police officer gun fighting training in America, the real reason for the second amendment and why it must not be legislatively touched (preventing democides, civil violence, etc), the importance of fathers in family life, recent social media mass flag/ban campaigns of gun channels (his Youtube account was banned recently), advancing yourself in all aspects of your life (philosophical, martial, mindset, fitness, self knowledge), the prevalence of "The Left" to initiate violence and their desire to disarm civil populations before doing so. James Yeager BIO Link https://www.tacticalresponse.com/blogs/instructors/17196643-james-yeager and his About Us Page as well as the rest of his business pages https://www.tacticalresponse.com/pages/about-us
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