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  1. If anybody is confused on how a stateless society would operate, I kid you not, Rugrats has given the answer. It is in the form of a parable, just as Jesus described morality to the misguided Jews, there are elements of the media that are also sending messages of truth. http://www.watchcartoononline.com/rugrats-season-2-episode-4-showdown-at-teeter-totter-gulch This is the episode of Rugrats where Tommy Pickles and the rest of the kids at the playground handle conflict, a Hobbesian state of nature, without the state. Watch episode now. Discussion of the episode follows. _______________________________________________________________ Here Tommy Pickles plays the brave hero who challenges the bully by SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER and demanding that this person subject themselves and their life to reason... the source of truth in the world. The way that the "criminal" is taken down and harmony and peace is restored, is the through the same methodology that Stefan suggests in his philosophical arguments. We have to simply agree that we are no longer going "to play with" the criminals in our society. I will not trade with you. I will not accept payments from you. I will not loan you money. This land does not belong to anybody. It is here for us to use for the benefit of the community. There is a place that is mine, where I sleep at night and wake every morning, but beyond that, everything left is for all of us to work together, share, and prosper with. However, we may run out of chalk to drawn "four-square" plots with... and then we wont be able to play that game. The solution is to ration it. We can establish these "governance institutions" to protect scarce resources without creating a monopoly on the use of initiatory force. I think we can make it a social norm, such as the one that exists for not littering and the church has established for tithing, that a certain amount of charity is expected from a respectable family unit and that goes towards research grants that have played commercials, every "charity season - kind of like Christmas, which we all participate in the act of literally donating money to eachother (gift cards)". I'd also like to leave this quote right here, "Showdown at Teeter-Totter Gulch": "Something happened to him in his first 8 days. I don't know what it is, but after that he changed and doesn't like to see nobody get pushed around." Another website offers an interesting take on the quote. I assumed that this was a message that leadership is something somebody is born with, innately, but instead it may be a reference to circumcision. See here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/Rugrats?from=Main.Rugrats, scroll down to "circumcision angst" for the argument. "This playground is for kids who get along and play nice!" ~Tommy Pickles This quote is amazing. Soak it in baby. Anyway, I digress... lol. This episode will stimulate thought... well... at least it did for me. Tommy Pickles is a leader, and this is what leadership looks like. It's also important to note that Tommy is incredibly brave and incredibly risky. This is why he benefits so greatly from Chuckie being his best friend. Chuckie is the yin to Tommy's yang. This is also true in The Lord of the Rings, between Frodo and Sam, Sam being Chuckie and Frodo being Tommy. If you look for it, you will see it. Leadership does not come from the guy who politically places himself upon a pedestal and proclaims to the world that he ought to be the one to rule over us all. The person who believes they are suited to such a monumental task is totally insane. Real leaders arise out of a free society. Real leaders of men are the ones that put their own skin in the game. Real leaders are the ones who, rather than send others to their deaths, act without a personal safety-net themselves. Here is an episode that demonstrates this fundamental point: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xsbu8s_rugrats-the-big-house_shortfilms Watch the full episode where Tommy is placed into prison by the "authorities" for committing no crimes. He actually receives an inception-esque "double prison" - the prison of the five-minute time-out as well as the prison of the day-care center itself. It is EQUIVALENT to the prison of real prison and the prison of the country that you are living in. But understand, the true leaders emerge, and are thrust into leadership out of necessity by the evil powers at be as well as the community's trust, love, and loyalty to him. I understand that Tommy only succeeds because of his mother comes at the end... his creator... and many of you won't enjoy this blatant allegory of the nurturing God introduced by Jesus in the New Testament, but this is a discussion of truth so truth I must tell. "It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well." ~Albus Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling) You need to understand that there are two media presences. Everybody talks about the "Illuminati" in the media but people are yet to gain consciousness of the other minds at work in this world. There is good in it, and it is more powerful than any of those that side with evil.
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