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Found 9 results

  1. Hello FDR peeps! I'd like to start running tabletop RPG gaming sessions over skype or some other voice chat. The game I'd like to run is MYFAROG (Mythical Fantasy RolePlaying Game). I have one player as of now and would like two more to get things going You do not have to have any previous experience from tabletops to join. My timezone is central european and we'll play in the day/evening. Interested? Comment! Have a question, comment and I'll answer to the best of my ability
  2. I'm looking for anyone philosophically or scientifically minded in gwynedd or liverpool, I'll be traveling to liverpool for a short stay in the near future but my current residence is in Gwynedd. I'm also looking for work, so if any of you want a smart, competant and committed philosopher/scientist to work for you, I am here, waiting for your call / message / email. I'm pretty desparate for work at the moment, I'm really poor and I'm in a bad situation which I'm trying to get out of so that I can live a more virtuous life.
  3. So, I've decided to create a peaceful parenting meetup group. I've been a member of a few groups in the past, but they included all types of parenting styles and I never quite connected with anyone. Most of the women were stay-at-home moms and they all seemed like great parents, but I wanted to create a group focused on peaceful parenting strategies. I wanted to ask you all what you think of my description of the group. Is there anything I should add or subtract? Also, do you have any suggestions for a link to provide at the end? This is a group for parents who are dedicated to using gentle discipline with their children. A peaceful parent does not use coercive parenting methods such as spanking, yelling, humiliation, or domination. A peaceful parent focuses on bonding with her child, validating her child’s feelings, and using age-appropriate reasoning to negotiation win-win solutions. She thinks about what type of person she wants her child to become and acts as the model. A peacefully parented child may not always be convenient for the parent, for she is learning to reason, question authority and advocate for herself, behaviors that a majority of parents want for their children in adulthood, but often fail to practice with them in childhood. Peaceful parenting does not mean: Never setting boundaries, letting the child make all of the decisions, never getting angry as a parent, never letting your child experience anger or frustration. To learn more about peaceful parenting and find out if this group is for you, please visit: FYI, If any of you are from St. Louis, MO, I would love for you to join the group. I added "lies" to the list of what a peaceful parent does not use.
  4. I am not sure how to start this. For quite some time now, I have felt ambiguous towards the FDR community. On one hand, I see the community as one of the most beautiful things on this planet, if not the most beautiful. The honest, kind people it is inhabitated by. The flourishing of ideas, the unwavering support to eachother, is beyond words. But, on the other hand, I feel like I am not part of it. That I am alien to it. That my interactions here, from my side, are false, self-serving, vain, evil. Sure, some of it has been self-serving, and yes, some vanity has driven me here. But it isn't core to WHY I am here, it is a sandcastle on a beach, that I am certain of. But, a part of me blows these acts of vanity and self-serving out of porportion, judging me as sinister, as not worthy of being in this community. Although, I think to myself, I am not engaging a whole lot with the community. Is it then really that weird if I don't feel like I am a part of it? And then I realize, after a while, something I have concluded before: I am afraid of trying to connect with people, both in real life and here on the boards. Several factors play into this. For one, I find it hard to empathize with people. Like, sometimes, if I hear of something terrible someone has been through, I feel next to nothing. And I understand that others DO feel something in response to hearing the same thing I am hearing (happens a lot when Stef is talking with callers). And I hear a voice say ''You are a broken human being! Disgusting.'' Based on that, I deduct that I will have a harder time connecting with people, because I cannot fully sympathize with them. Another part of it, is me fearing to talk with people in general. When I think of doing just that, I hear inside myself, that I will not bring anything of worth to the table. That I will waste the other persons time. This is reflected greatly in my life, where I might want to engage in conversation with someone I know or want to get to know, but I do not dare. ''Maybe they are busy, I shouldn't disturb.'' Or, ''If they wanted to talk with me, they'd start talking to me''. Anyway, it really hit me yesternight. I broke down into absolute despair, crying like I have never cried in my life before, for an hour, truly realizing that I want to be part of this community, so badly. But that I feel like I am unable to acomplish it. That either I will keep myself from trying to be a part of the community, or attack myself when I try to be a part of the community. And it was tearing me apart, still is. Because I want it so badly. I connection, real, deep connection, with this community. Because, the people that it is made out of, are so wonderful, so brave, so honest. And I so want to be a part of that. I can feel the tears well up behind my eyes as I am writing this. I want it so much. And the thought of never feeling like I was connected to this oasis of human goodness, going to the grave without having had that, is so grim, is so terrifying. Before, when I have experienced these feelings, heard these thoughts, I have 99% of the time, went into solitude. Tried to find my answers in logic, in books. Numbed the pain with video games, and with embracing the voices telling me that I am broken, that I am forever lost. That strategy, of isolating when feeling isolated, has not worked so far. So that's why, I now reach out, put out my emotional state, my thoughts, and my feelings. Hoping that I can break my loneliness. Something that has crossed my mind, is that ''Maybe I don't know how to connect with people? Maybe I don't speak that language. That I can only connect if others engage me first, that I just know how to be passive and reactionary?'' I don't know whether this is true or not. The title just came to me. Yesternight, in my despair, something came to me: Maybe, I am having a Simon the boxer experience, but instead of boxing, I am isolating myself from others? It makes some sense to me. For 10 years of my life, from the age 6 to 16, I was bullied, both verbally and physically, but mostly verbally. From age 10, I started to actively avoid people. I worked hard to make as little noise as possible, to avoid being noticed by bullies. And home was my sanctuary, where I was free from school-bullies, free to numb the pain with hours upon hours of video games. But no connection. My mom was, and still is, a selfish, cruel, sadistic, evil women, who'd make fun of me, make fun of my preferences, and yell at me. And my father, he acted as if I didn't exist. Unless he felt like I needed to be put to work, because he thought In was lazy. I have known, for all of my existence, there has been only one thing that has been a constant for my father: That he has always, always been a disapointment to him. That I have always failed him. it's always been there, in the background, in his eyes and in his voice. I noticed that I didn't describe my feelings for my father as I did with my mother. Or, rather, the truth about who he is. I don't know why. Maybe I am still chained to him emotionally in some way, because the words don't seem to come as easy to me when I am writing about him. I am sorry if this post is confusing. I am, myself, feeling all over the place while I am writing this. If you have made it this far, thank you. Really. It's a lot of text. I hope that this can set me on the path of understanding this part of my being. If you feel that I have missed an obvious important point/connection/contradiction, whatever it might be, please, feel free to be as honest with me as you possibly can. This is me, breaking my emotional isolation.
  5. i was having a conversation with some guys about the anarchist principles and activism and we came to debate about how could social organization be any different. well, first we were talking about why it should change and what would we want to see. but then we were talking about what we'd like to see based on what is possible or not to happen. we changed the direction from philosophical priciples to practical matters. so i realized that often people don't follow a very straight line when debating (informally), and end up going through a variety of subjects without much objectivity, not even realizing they are doing so for that matter, which is not very productive. anyway, I'm bringing this up because i think analysing debate itself is very illuminating because we can have clear view of where its heading. so we should address it directly. my main point: if we want to have good communication we have to be aware of how it's happening (to say, of course, we must study it). so, while we're at it, let's take the situation above. did you ever have simmilar experiences? do you think this change of subject in a debate is frequent? what makes a good debate and a bad one? P.S.: 1- i think that changing peoples minds relies much more on how we try to do it than the actual content our ideas 2- one of the guys said something like other countries wouldn't tolerate a stateless society, people wouldn't let that happen and i wasn't very sure how to respond to that. it's an abstraction of course (and i think it's a very misleading direction to take) but if you could help me out here with some posts/links suggestions so I can study that, i'd appreciate it
  6. So, sitting on my bed in my room writing this, since I can't fall asleep, coughing out my lungs. No, no that bad, just a virus or something messing with me Anyway, there is a topic that I have thought of (and still am thinking about), that bugs me. A lot. It's the ''Against me'' argument (is it correct to call it an argument?) that Stef presents. In case you aren't familiar to this argument, heres a video with Stef laying it out: Anyways, what is bugging me is that I understand what Stef is saying. I agree with what he is saying. And there is a part of me, that would like to live that argument. I think. But, there is also (I think) a part of me that wants to keep the social life I have. That doesn't want to ask this simple question. Having the social circles I have today, engaging in social communities, just keep rolling along. Then again, I am a fairly certain, that a BIG, part of me, wants to find people with virtue to hang out with. I think those are rare. And, having people in my life that are lacking virtue, will most certainly keep me from meeting people with virtue. Let alone finding myself a virtuous woman to spend my life with. THEN AGAIN... It's scary to make the decision. To get people that endorse violence against you, out of your life. Darn it. I guess I don't have much of a question to ask. It's just a choice I have to make. Have any of you chosen the philosophical path, i.e. ''I minimize the amount of people in my life that are against me''? If yes, what's it like? If not, why not? Is there a third alternative?
  7. Time is our ultimate resource not money. Utilizing a system already in place to record our earnings we can tweak it to account for time rather than earnings. Currently, during your working years, earnings covered by Social Security are posted to your Social Security record and you earn credits based on those earnings. Using time as a measure of one's earnings over money can be an easy transition. Hours are already being recorded by most employers. Who then report those hours to the Social Security Administration (The SSA). The SSA currently measures the amount of earnings in credits to determine eligibility for social security. Therefore, little needs to change to effect implementation of a record keeping program for validating hours accomplished. Example of the model: People work (or study, community service, etc) and have their hours posted to their Social Security record. You earn credits for time worked. For illustration, let's say 20 hours of work = 1 credit. There can be several levels of benefits for the credits accumulated such as: Level 1 Benefit (2 credits) = Food Level 2 Benefit (3 credits) = Clothing Level 3 Benefit (5 credits) = healthcare Level 4 Benefit (10 credits) = car Level 5 Benefit (15 credits) = home Level 6 benefit (20 credits) = 1 additional credit Level 7 benefit (30 credits) = vacation We can add that missing work would subtract 1 credit for every x hours missed. There can be many variables that can be tweaked to make it a fair system. Bean counters would have a field day working this out. This wouldn't be nearly as complicated as our current system is now with how we handle compensation packages, taxes, entitlement programs, etc.. The logistics aren't important right now so I don't need go into any further details on that. Once you reach a level, you have the choice to procure the goods or services that come with that benefit at no additional cost to you. We as consumers are free to choose where we take our business. This is no different than our current system. Only now we prove this with a social security card that tells the business what level benefit we have reached. For example, you go to a restaurant show them your card, they swipe it to verify and provide you with the service and food. If you don"t like the food or service, you don"t return to that business. If no one returns, they go out of business. The owners may or may not be allowed to start a new business. That will be up to either the Small Business Administration or the Fairness Review Board or both. Conversely, business failure will be reduced because of proper preparation for success and the ability to hire business managers and mentors will have increased. Nonetheless, there is still a risk of failure and a reward of success, although not as devastating when a loss in our current system is experienced. check out the debate: http://www.debate.org/debates/Abolishing-and-Eliminating-Currency-is-a-viable-proposal./1/ http://thenewsocialsecurity.org/blog.php #thenewssa
  8. More on my childhood The problem: In my first post I mentioned a little about my childhood. I’m going to share myself further in this post. I talked about not speaking to my parents and isolating myself. Well that is just recent; I have a problem that has been haunting me my whole life. I have anxiety in certain social interactions, even if it’s not noticeable. I have trouble asking people for help. My heart starts racing and I start over thinking. The cause: I’m sure this happened because of my childhood. I grew up with my parents who lived with my Aunt and uncle. I’m one of many siblings. Ever since I can remember my mom always put me down. She made me feel insignificant worse than a dog. She never said it but her actions worked into my sub conscience. It was always little things. If my uncle or aunt gave me something I was supposed to give it back. I should never make noise or interrupt them. I remember getting my stuff stolen by my neighbors and my mom letting them keep my toys. I was about 6. Whenever I wanted something other people came first. My mom had an obsession with pleasing others while neglecting her kid’s needs. All this sounds abstract but its little things like this that adds up. Recently I remember going to a family meet up with my mother. It was at my sister’s house. I remember a random friend of my sitter’s husband stopped by. My sister said start eating because I didn’t make enough food, for random people. My mother said no way, told me not to eat and feed a complete stranger. I didn’t really eat that day, I wasn’t hungry any more. : ( My parents never took me out; I have never been to the park with them (like a normal family). I have never done anything like that. It’s even worse than not having parents. One may say, stop being a cry baby. Yes it is insignificant now but to treat a child this way is disgusting. This is the reason for my anxiety; this is the reason I can’t ask for help. This is the source of my ugliest problem. I was thought that I was insignificant, that I’m not worth anything. Now I understand why…. Social anxiety doesn’t come from thin air. I worked hard to alleviate it but I’m far from being healed.
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