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  1. I wasn't sure in which category to write this in. I'm a biochemist student and I work as a pharmacy technician to pay for my studies. I am seeing a growing and alarming pattern in the health system that I would qualify as social engineering. I will put my idea forward and then explain myself. I believe that health professionals, with the governments and the pharmaceutical companies, have been altering the behavior of the western people for at lease 3 generations. Before you dismiss this, saying I'm a conspiracy nut, let me state 3 arguments: - The baby boomers have been receiving' for most of their lives, constant prescriptions of benzodiazepines. So much so, that the majority of them are hooked on those drugs. Most of the research that has been done on the topic is not openly talked about. There is little funding to show its adverse effects and usually dismissed under the argument that they are old drugs that we try to avoid using these days and that the patients are already hooked on them so we are basically trying to make their lives more comfortable. In the case of self destructive patients and patients with anxiety, we measure the pros and cons. But people who work in pharmacies who see these patients every months, we see the side effects. These patients dont reason very quickly, they also have a weird reasoning. There is a nihilism to them. They dont worry about things that they really should worry about. And I want to make a parallel. These patients are pro big government. They are pro open borders. They are pro socialism. I think it is not too far fetch to think that a drug that is created to deal with anxiety would prevent people from feeling anxiety about the government's decisions. - My generation takes a lot of antidepressant medication. And most of these patients are girls. The boys receive a lot of Ritalin and Vyvanse. All of these drugs play on the mechanisms of dopamine and serotonin receptors. These chemicals regulate your mood, energy, your sex drive, everything. Look at my generation. They play computer all day. They drop out of school. They have no faith in the future. They avoid the opposite sex. They have low energy and are overweight. And they have absolutely no will to defend their way of life. - A growing trend I see is doctor informing the mothers that it is better to use powdered milk instead of breast milk to feed their babies. These formulas are soy base. This produces a large amount of estrogen in the baby's system. It is mostly harmful for boys. These hormones compete with testosterone. Paul Joseph Watson has made a very good video about #soyboy. I think everyone should watch it. I believe that doctors are deliberately trying to remove male dominant behavior, in our society, at a very young age. If you think I'm a conspiratard, that's fine. I am just stating what I have observed. And I believe we should explore this question, because doctors have been doing this shit for about 70 years now. And there is a correlation to be made with the slow downfall of our civilization. Thank you for listening
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