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Found 2 results

  1. Good news, art students, your career as an artist is now on par with the hard science STEM fields. Heard of the STEM fields of study? Now the Rhode Island School of Design is trying to add Art (art+design) to the acronym. STEM is now STEAM http://stemtosteam.org/ I was in a meeting today and someone brought up volunteering at the elementary school to promote the STEAM fields. Having not heard of STEAM, I asked them to elaborate. "You know STEM? Well now it's STEAM." Art is now included. I guess I need more sensitivity training, but I scoffed at that notion. Is art and design important to engineering? Yes. But, I ask, are the high school students going to four years of college for art planning to work with an engineer or to become a famous artist and express themselves? The ones pursuing performance art, are they planning to use that as a presenter/salesperson or are they trying to go into theater/acting? So make sure you go to college and get that liberal arts degree. The STEAM fields need you!
  2. I have an idea! Does anyone here plays steam games and are familiar with twitch? we're gonna play online games anyways, so why not combine both!? Talk about philosophy while playing games, I mean.. there's a huge niche in the realm of gaming when it comes to people watching live shows. any thoughts? cheers!
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