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Found 5 results

  1. I was listening to podcast FDR3047 Conquering Stefan’s Ancestors - Call In Show - August 7th, 2015 and I noticed I had trouble understanding what Stef was saying, because his voice was very boomy and the overall sound was quite muddy. My suggestion is to use for example this following tutorial to do a high pass filter EQ. I'm sure you do editing on the voice, but this podcast was very boomy and muddy. I was using a pair of Genelec G Two's behind an Roland UA-25EX for the listening. http://music.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-process-vocals-for-podcasts-or-voiceover--audio-6969
  2. "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." -Chairman Mao I think a "truth about" on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping would be illustrative of the power of liberalization vs state control. I know that the liberalization has slowed down since 2005, but I imagine there are a number of Chinese people who could be receptive to the message of freedom, through the object lesson of 1978-2005's growth. A "truth about" might miss the mark with English-speaking people, and it might be preaching to the choir for those who lived through the reform period, but... it's hard to tell if it would be a successful presentation. Regardless, it would be an interesting video. I would take this as inspiration: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2014/05/14/312488659/episode-337-the-secret-document-that-transformed-china
  3. Stefan, I have been doing Crossfit a few months, and have had fun with it. Fitness has been an important part of my life for a few years now, and I was looking for something more exciting than conventional weightlifting and cardio exercises. Recently I saw a Reason interview with Greg Glassman, in which he described himself as rabidly libertarian. Glassman is the founder of Crossfit, and he seems like a cool guy. Admittedly the Reason video doesn't say much about his principles. However I think this lecture, at the Illinois Policy Institute, does. He shows a profound understanding of the free market, which goes a long way to explaining how Crossfit exploded in the last five years. Getting an interview with him can't be easy, given what his schedule must be like. I don't see any contact information for him online, so one might have to ask the Reason reporters how they got in touch with him. I considered doing this, but it's better I know you are interested, before making inquiries. Also it might be something you prefer to do yourself. Thanks, Lowe
  4. So I noticed that there are actually a surprising number of people using Meetup.com to meet other FDR-folk. Unfortunately not in my area, but it gave me an idea. It would be cool to see more integration of Meetup and the forums since there is already a subforum devoted to meeting other people. It would seem to me to promote more meeting of decent philosophy minded people to have something right in the forum template (like at the bottom in a separate box) that has (for example) the biggest 10 FDR meetup groups and also a list of upcoming meetups in these groups. And just generally remind people that they could have the opportunity to actually meet other like-minded people face to face. Writing in a forum is kind of a weird thing. Not having the immediate feedback of body language or inflection can (at least for me) make me doubt myself. "Did I say that in a clear enough way?", "what if they thought I meant something else...?", "what if I come off like a weirdo" and so forth. In contrast, talking about philosophy with people IRL seems to be always more preferable (at least to me) even if they aren't particularly good at it. Here's the link to the Meetup API I don't know exactly what that would look like, just an idea.
  5. I was thinking about this a lot and I have seen it on other forms that when a post is edited that it shows what time it was edited number of times edited and a reason for editing. (Some even show the original post) I think this would be useful on fdr because it gives the opportunity to show your thinking process/self knowledge process to others so they can be more aware of what is happening for you Thank you for reading
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