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Found 7 results

  1. you say taxation is theft. okay fine. then theft is a violation of the non aggression principle right? and you can respond to violations of the non aggression principle with self defense right? so, that means you can respond to taxation with self defense. so, if you don't agree to taxation, don't pay them and when they come for you, gun them down. its your duty as an anarchist. now i personally dont view tax as theft. i view it as the price i pay for living in a civilized society. i used to view it as theft until i thought this argument through. either i give up tax as theft, i give up theft as a violation of the non aggression principle, or i give up self defense as a response to violations of the non aggression principle, or i wager war on the government.
  2. Libertarians often argue against taxes saying that according to historical data when taxes go down charitable donations usually go up. Logically it makes sense as people of course love naming Universities after themselves, or becoming respected patrons of charities, or giving to research on cancer etc. With Trump reducing funding for scientific research but also reducing burdens of regulations and taxes, having such data which proves benefit for society in form of private charitable donations is urgently needed!! Help to find it, please!!. Because basic scientific research cannot be profitable, for profit businesses will not be able to contribute. So there is growing worry among scientific community... If anybody here knows good sources with data and charts proving pattern of inverse correlation between taxes and charitable donations, i would greatly appreciate it, because to have such data freshly available on the net right now would be helpful in trying to separate govt and science in the minds of most brilliant scientists on the planet (good!), and show how it is possible even with reduction in govt power to have functional civilization and make the case for human Liberty (great!). Thank you in advance!
  3. Dealing with IRS fun and need a good tax attorney- does anyone know of a federal tax attorney which is interested in representing their clients effectively and not just towing the "IRS line."
  4. I just got a letter from the company that insure my car. They have given me a quote for another year of insurance. Their quote included the following sentence: Oh really?! There's a thing called "insurance premium tax" which I have apparently already been paying for via artificially increased insurance rates... and also... it has just been arbitrarily increased! * shakes head in disbelief * Amazing. So this is how it works: people in government decide they want more money to spend on things that they want. Those people in government then increase the amount of protection money they charge me (and the rest of us) so rather than me spend my money on what I want... they get to spend my money on what they want. This is how people want their society to be run? I will obviously being paying up because... it's not a request... it's a demand, backed by threat of extreme violence. Also: they target all companies that provide car insurance so there likely isn't even an option which doesn't involve... [looks back down at the quote]... "insurance premium tax". I've tried to explain to the sheeple that support this stuff that they are supporting and advocating theft on a grand scale. The sheeple invariably tell me (in an apparent attempt to rebut my claim) that "we need to be stolen from by the government because otherwise there would be chaos... and bad people would steal from us!" They actually, usually say "we need to be taxed", but I've got used to silently converting "taxed" to "stolen from" in my head because I'm not aware of any functional difference between the two words and propaganda makes my head hurt. They actually, also usually say "because there would be anarchy", but I've got used to silently converting "anarchy" to "chaos" in my head because it makes their insane statements just slightly less insane. It provides me a slightly less painful cranial experience. I guess this is just a rant. Hope you don't mind. I have literally no one in my life that understands and accepts this stuff.
  5. Why should big businesses like Apple pay income tax in a country where they sell their products but do not produce them there or have offices there? This is a question I have tried to ask many times recently, but the person I am debating this about is heavily on the left, so the answers are in the lines of "so you want poor people to starve to death" or "Apple is taking advantage of the poor helpless citizens of X". The question and the answer always make me loose my "balance" in the conversation and/or the red thread of my thought, and usually ends with the goal post moved 10 million miles away, so I turn to the educated folk here to help me out! In particular, I would appreciate if someone would explain these kind of taxes to me from a non-leftist point of view or refer to a source where I could read a more neutral explanation of this than the left/democrats are providing. Also, I do not see the logical sequence of thought behind these taxes, but I cannot completely point out the illogicality either. If someone can clarify either the logic or the lack of it, that would be highly appreciated! As to my thoughts around this issue, I am thinking and arguing that big businesses are already paying quite a lot in taxes in VAT, in employee salaries who then pay taxes and social security, and do not consume that much of the infrastructure. Thanks a ton for any help! -Tweety-
  6. Proposed Major Tax Hike on College Savings Accounts in the United States: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanellis/2015/01/19/obamas-new-state-of-the-union-tax-hike-on-middle-class-529-college-savers/ More details on this and other new proposed tax hikes in the State of the Union address: http://benswann.com/obamas-robin-hood-plan-to-collect-320-billion-in-new-taxes/
  7. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/down-french-flee-nation-despair-070004223.html
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