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Found 8 results

  1. Now that he's been elected I thought I'd share something I wrote before the election about Trump's general stance on taxes and the deficit, and how it can have positive implications on economic growth and jobs in the US. "This stance, coupled with a commitment to massive tax cuts may be an indication that Trump’s fiscal stance is in line with supplying the public the private sector saving needed to allow for a return to stronger growth than what we’ve been seeing over the past decade. Only time will tell."
  2. Here Robert Reich makes what I think are 7 pretty solid arguments against a conservative, small government. Any rebuttals? Are any of his points valid?
  3. Could someone explain the different hierarchical tax districts that exist and the basic sorts of taxes they collect? For example the state, federal, municipal districts and any others..? I know this is probably a really amateur question, but I'd really appreciate explanation. Also, maybe more difficult, what the differences are from state to state, or municipality to municipality. Thanks.
  4. Hello all, I have a few questions that I need answered regarding the nature of limited government and taxation in a free society. So, I've heard Stef say that government taxation is by definition theft. It's hard to argue with him, but I do have a few criticisms that I'd like addressed by someone with a better grasp of political philosophy than I. If you accept the argument that the only proper roles of a government are the police, the armed forces and the courts, then you accept implicitly that these branches of the government require funding in some form. Ergo, taxation of some kind is still necessary to fund them. You might be tempted to claim that these services could be privatized in some form. For example, you could have a pay-per-use system for the police whenever they're called. However, in any pay-per-use system, there's the serious concern of a innate bias towards the party that's paying for the service. In short, if you privatize these roles of government, then their neutrality is compromised.
  5. So recently I got into a debate with a family member over taxation & welfare. I told him that taxation is theft & presented him with a comparison of a thief & government. He then kept saying that there is a difference between the two to which I replied no there isn't & he kept saying yes. While that family member has shown their highly irrational thought process what are some other approaches I could take in regards to convincing someone that taxation is theft.
  6. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2014/03/25/irs-says-bitcoin-is-property/6873569/ How do you guys think this will effect the value of my coins? (not that I have a lot. )
  7. The times where I was able to keep a "low profile" as a voluntary poor freelancer are soon over, and I will need some help with that. Are you, or do you know a good tax consultant in Germany?
  8. Hey hey, I recently had a conversation with my mother regarding the government. I was arging as that she is a christian and therefore dislikes theivery. I said the government takes her money forcefully and she has no say in it. Her response is that she gives the money to them willingly because every time she uses the roads she owes them money to finance the war against drugs & iraq/afghanistan. I told her if she did not give the money willingly they would take it anyway. She said she would give it willingly anyway and therefore its A-ok. Is it just me or is she an idiot? I told her she doesnt owe them the sweat off her back and that her money goes to evil causes. She wouldnt hear any of it and I should, "Find a new place to live". Anyone wanna jump on this and assist me in any way possible please? Thanks!
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